Mutation and Attention

Chapter 88


The mountain dragon slumped as its eyes staring at Lin Feng.

''Hahaha...'' The mountain dragon laughed.

''I, The Mountain Dragon King, lose to a human's child.''

''What a surprise...'' The Mountain Dragon's eyes shone for a little bit.

If someone from the dragon clan knows that he got defeated by a human, they maybe will start laughing at him and makes him feels shamed.

(He's not dead) Lin Feng thought as he's staring at the mountain dragon with a keen expression.



''My body...'' Lin Feng said while kneeling on the ground.

He could feel his heart throbbing as his body overflowing with dragon aura.

''Huh, h-how...''

''The golden dragon blood inside your body is evolving!'' The mountain dragon said with a bewildered tone.

(Evolving?) Lin Feng thought as he remembered something.

''Tyrant onyx dragon's constitution...'' He suddenly muttered.

''adapting and evolving,'' he added as he averted his gaze from the ground to Incursio.


''Keuk...'' he gasped as his heart beating again.


Lin Feng grip Incursio with his left hand as it starts shaking while suddenly hovering and releasing a faint goldish-black light.


The spectral dark void dragon appears and landed on the white space as the abyss starts invading the area.

The mountain dragon is staring at the spectral dark void dragon.

''True Dragon...'' The mountain dragon stated in a surprised tone.

(Even though I can't sense it properly before) The mountain dragon thought while staring at the dragon behind Lin Feng.

''Now, I can clearly feel it. the dragon inside his soul is a true dragon.''


Another roar comes into the white space as the tyrant onyx dragon's soul comes out from Incursio and appears beside Lin Feng.

(The weird dragon) The mountain dragon commented in his head while looking at the t


''Behemoth...'' The mountain dragon coldly said while averting his gaze from the tyrant onyx dragon to a bear with black-gold furs.

(This bear has a behemoth's bloodline) The mountain dragon thought with a frown as the behemoth is the enemy of the dragon clan.

''Even though it was thin, this bear is clearly will not afraid in front of a true dragon when reached the adulthood.''

''Eh, The weird dragon?'' The mountain dragon blinked his eyes for a little bit.

The tyrant onyx dragon suddenly bit the bear's neck while devouring its body into its mouth.


The tyrant onyx dragon roared as two black spirit rings come out from its mouth.

The first black spirit ring is floating into Lin Feng's body as the second one is flying toward the sword birth.

''Huu...'' Lin Feng adjusted his breath as there is turbulent spirit energy inside his body.

''Spirit Rings...''

Lin Feng is calmly positioning himself into a cross-legged posture while adjusting his breath.


His spirit ranks increased to level 69 while six black soul rings floating above his head.

''Level 69.'' Lin Feng muttered as the tyrant onyx dragon spouted a dark-gold claw bone from its mouth.

A dark gold claw is the remaining of the bear's soul and flying toward Lin Feng's left hand.

''Huu...'' He released a heavy breath while staring at the dark-gold claws that are flying toward him.

''External spirit bone.'' Lin Feng commented with a surprised expression.

As he's examining the external spirit bone, the golden dragon blood inside his body suddenly throbbing again as the draconic aura comes out from his body.

(The golden dragon blood is reacting) He thought when the claws bone is hovering above his right hand.


Tyrant onyx dragon roared as its released a dusk-gold scale from his body while its dragon claws changing into a sharp dark-golden claw.

''This dragon is also evolving...'' The mountain dragon murmured in surprise.

Meanwhile, on the outside, Aria is dejectedly looking at the cocoon in front of her.

She's touching the cocoon where she can see her master's face.

''Master...'' Aria said with a sad expression.


An explosion occurred as the cocoon got blasted into pieces by an unknown power.

A golden ray of light falling from the skies straight toward Lin Feng's body, who is meditating.


''Protect, the area...'' Aria instructed Artamiel and Aurel, who nodded their head.

Aurel is flapping her wing and fly to the skies as a barrier made of golden wind is covering the area.

Artamiel is calmly staring at Lin Feng before making his angel wings appear on his back and flying to the skies.

''Heavenly Sword...'' He said while twenty giant swords appear in the air.


[Protocol 1.2 Actiavated]

[Activating Concealment Field]

An invisible field appears from Lin Feng's body and spreading into ten kilometers radius.

In the core area of the star dou forest before Grey's releasing concealment field, a black dragon with gold eyes appears from a beautiful lake.

''This dragon aura is...'' The golden-eyed black dragon said while staring at a ray of light falling from the skies.



''What is this pressure...'' He muttered as his blood seems screaming when feeling the dragon aura.


The ground is trembling as a purple light coming out from the lake.

''The silver dragon king awakened...'' The golden-eyed black dragon's eyes widened in surprise as he hurriedly comes out from the lake.

In a sub-space below the lake, there is a silver dragon with a glimmer purple shine.

The silver dragon opened its eyes and showing us a pair of violet slitted dragon's eyes.

''My half...'' The silver dragon said while slightly raised its head.

''No, this is not the golden dragon king's aura...''

''Who is this dragon...''


In the distant sea, we can see a small island where a group of black-hooded spirit masters gathering, and there is a frown on each of these people's faces.

There is an eight spirit master in this area, and each of them had unique animal's symbol on their clothes.

''The key has appeared once again...'' The spirit master with the purple eagle symbol said while opened his eyes.

''But, why its suddenly showing its presence to the world?'' said another spirit master with a white snake symbol.

''That bastard clearly running away with the key.'' shouted a soul master with a red bull symbol.

''Stop!'' a soul master with a golden lion symbol stared at his group members. ''I can feel it.''

''The key is on the douluo continent...''

''Huh, Douluo Continent...'' The red bull symbol spirit master shouted. ''We couldn't find the key twelve years ago, but it suddenly appeared again in that continent.''

Golden lion symbol spirit master calmly staring in the direction of the douluo continent.

''It could be a bait for us...'' He said, which makes his group members quiet.

''White Snake.''

''Purple Eagle.''

''Two of you will go the douluo continent.''
