Normal Day

Chapter 99(Edited)


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The next morning, Qian Renxue groggily opened her eyes as she moved a lot inside the blanket before she let out a lazy yawn.

"Mmmh!?" Qian Renxue opened her eyes and saw Lin Feng's sleeping face in front of her face.

"Lin Feng..." She muttered as she blinked for a little bit.

'I wonder if I can kiss him like yesterday...' She thought while touching her lips.

'He's still sleeping... it shouldn't be a problem to kiss him, right?' She added as she pushed her lips on Lin Feng's face, but instead of kissing him, she felt someone's hand preventing her lips from kissing him.

"What do you think you're doing, Qian Renxue!?" Zhu Zhuqing's angry voice comes into her ears, which brings a frown on her face.

Qian Renxue then shifted her gaze to Zhu Zhuqing as she let out a sneer. "I want to kiss Lin Feng now, do you have a problem with that?!"

Zhu Zhuqing is now calmly staring at her as Aria, who was forced to wake up because of the noises they created while arguing with each other.

"Master is still sleeping, so please be quiet." Aria's cold voice sounded in their ears as they suddenly felt the atmosphere freezing up.

"This is your fault..." Zhu Zhuqing quietly muttered while angrily staring at Qian Renxue.

"Huh?! This is your fault, not mine!" Qian Renxue angrily refuted while intensely staring at Zhuqing.

"Please be quiet," Aria said once again, but this time they could feel the cold breeze gently grazing their skins.

Qian Renxue and Zhu Zhuqing finally shut their mouths but they still keep intensely staring at each other as lightning sparks, between their eyes.

The two of them kept staring at each other until Lin Feng suddenly showed signs of waking up.

"Haa... It's morning already?" Lin Feng spoke as he groggily opened his eyes and let out a small yawn.

'Hmm?!' He then tilted his head to look at three girls around him.

'They woke up already?!' He thought with a surprised look on his face.

"Good morning~" He affectionately said to the girls.

"Good morning, Master," Aria replied with a beautiful smile on her beautiful face.

"Good morning, Lin Feng~" Zhu Zhuqing responded cutely while purring on his chest.

'Uh, this girl...' Qian Renxue thought with a disgusted expression while staring at Zhuqing, who's now purring on Lin Feng's chest.

'Are you a cat or something??' She thought as she moved her gaze to Lin Feng and happily smiled, "Good morning, Lin Feng."

Lin Feng is affectionately staring at them before saying, "Well then, let's start our activity."

"Renxue, you need to go back to the palace, right?" Lin Feng said, to which Qian Renxue responded with a nod.

"Yeah, I need to finish something at the palace." Qian Renxue replied as she sighed in disappointment because she can't enjoy her time with Lin Feng.

"Okay, here, take this." Lin Feng said as he gave her a similar wooden plate like the one he gave to Gu Yuena, but the one he handed out to Renxue was a little bit different.

It has specific functions of location tracking, protection shield, and emergency teleportation.

"Is this another one of those weird creations of yours?" Qian Renxue said while staring at the small wooden plate on her hand, which is the size of a kid's palm.

"Yeah, but this one is different, this wooden plate is a communication device." Lin Feng stated as he took out another wooden plate from his inventory.

"In order to make it work, you need to pour your spirit energy into it, like this." He said as he demonstrated how to use it while pouring his spirit energy into the wooden plate and the inscription begins to glow in white light.

Lin Feng then whispered something to the wooden plate and as he did, his voice suddenly came out from the wooden plate on Qian Renxue's hands.

"Yo!" Lin Feng's voice comes out as Qian Renxue yelped in surprise as her eyes staring at Lin Feng in awe.

"Y-You created this…?" Qian Renxue said with a shocked expression on her face.

"Yeah, it's a good device, right?" Lin Feng replied with a proud smile on his face.

"A good device? This thing is amazing! This is a breakthrough that maybe will change how people communicate in the future! You're a genius, Lin Feng!" Qian Renxue stated as she looked at Lin Feng with shock.

No one in the past or present has ever created something like this, you know? And now, you Lin Feng is the first person who created a communicating device, which is surprisingly working.

'Uh, not really. I got the idea of this device like the communications device in my past life, but instead of using signals to connect with each other, I use special inscriptions, which will instantly connect the device and only need use the spirit energy to activate it.' Lin Feng thought with a wry smile as Qian Renxue praised him too much.

"Ah, yeah... As long as you don't destroy the inscriptions on the wooden plate, we could always communicate with each other and there is no limit of the range as long as you're still in this world." Lin Feng stated while showing the white inscription pattern on his wooden plate, which is glowing.

"Mm... I understand!" Qian Renxue replied with a nod.

'Hehehe~ With this, I don't have to be worried about missing his voice...' She thought with a silly smile on her face.

They then ate breakfast and after that, Qian Renxue decided to go back to the heaven dou palace.

'I want to spend more time with Lin Feng. Unfortunately, I need to increase the pace of my plan...' Qian Renxue thought as she sighed and walked away from the sunset forest.

After Qian Renxue left, Lin Feng and Zhuqing are walking into a special workshop near the ice and fire yin yang well.

"Hmm... why are we going to the workshop?" Zhu Zhuqing curiously asked.

"To make your reward." Lin Feng replied with a mysterious smile, which caught her off guard.

'Ah, my reward, I forgot about that!' She thought as she suddenly became excited.

'Hmm... What kind of reward would he give me…?' She added in her heart while curiously staring at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, who is looking at the curious cat behind him, is smiling as they arrive at the workshop, which has many kinds of inscription patterns scattered around the room.

"Well, Can you wait while I prepare the rewards?" Lin Feng asked while staring at her.

"But, remember... I'll give you two rewards because you're a good girl." Lin Feng added while patting Zhuqing's head, which made the girl purr in delight.

"Mm..." Zhu Zhuqing obediently nodded her head before walking to the corner of the room and began waiting there as she calmly yet curiously staring at him.

Lin Feng calmly took out something from his inventory as he took a peek at the girl in the corner of the room.

Lin Feng smiled. "Let's see what kind of rewards I should give to her..."