Replacing the spirit bone...

Chapter 105(Edited)


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"Young Master..." Dugu Bo greeted as he bowed his body in front of Lin Feng.

"Un. So, what happened here?" Lin Feng asked with a frown as he looked at the fainted Dai Mubai, who had a mouth full of white bubbles.

"Eh? Didn't this brat caused some trouble for you?" Dugu Bo said while staring at his young master in confusion.

"Ah! Yeah, He's an annoying guy, but who told you about this?" Lin Feng replied while making an irritated face.

"Don't tell me... Was Dugu Yan the one who told you about this?!" He suddenly added while remembering a certain teenage girl he met in front of the heaven dou imperial academy, who saw the commotion arise between him and the blonde boy.

"Yes, Dugu Yan is the one who told me about this. Is there a problem?" Dugu Bo replied while nodding his head in confirmation.

"I see..." Lin Feng released a helpless sigh before facepalming himself.

'I should tell her something when we meet back then.' He thought while staring at the sky before shifting his gaze back to his subordinate.

"Heal him first." He instructed while pointing his finger to Dai Mubai.

"After that, send him back to the place where you got him." He coldly added as he walked back to their residence with Aria and Zhuqing following him.

While Lin Feng could quickly heal Dai Mubai with his golden lotus ability, But after remembering a few unpleasant words from the blonde boy's mouth, he decided not to heal him.

'Dugu Bo is enough to heal him.' Lin Feng thought while shaking his head.

'The poison in his body is not that fatal after all.' He added as he could tell what kind of poison Dugu Bo used, and it will only cause unnatural pains across Dai Mubai's body.

When they arrived at their residence, Lin Feng then entered his cultivation room, where he sets a spirit gathering array, which is a formation of inscriptions.

"Master, Should I prepare the food for dinner?" Aria asked while staring at her master.

"Mm." Lin Feng nodded with a smile as Aria nodded and walked away to the kitchen.

"I'll be waiting in here," Zhuqing said while standing in front of the door.

"No, it's fine. You could rest." He responded while patting Zhuqing's head.

"No, nyaa~! I want to wait!" Zhuqing stated as the cat's ears and tail appeared.

Lin Feng gazed at the adorable catgirl in front of him as he chuckled and said, "Fine... but I need to concentrate, so don't cause too many noises."

"Mm... I understand." Zhuqing responded with a firm tone as looked at him with a satisfied smile.

Lin Feng softly patted her head for a good few seconds before entering the cultivation room.

He sat cross-legged in the center of the room and took out the right arm spirit bone from his inventory.

"Demonic Right Arm..." He muttered while staring at the spirit bones he gets from Qian Renxue.

'This is gonna be painful...' Lin Feng thought with a helpless smile on his face because there is only one way to replace a spirit bone after someone already absorbed one.

'Take out the spirit bone that has already been absorbed and absorb a new one.' He added in his heart that this method will only work for someone, who has a regeneration ability like him.

"Huu... let's do this!" Lin Feng said with determination before placing his left finger on his right arm.

He then activated his celestial golden dragon claw as a long sharp gold-black claw grew from his finger.


The claw cuts through his arm straight into his right arm's bone while he's gritting his teeth in pain.

"Tsk... this is more painful than I thought!" He muttered while staring at his right hand, which is full of blood right now.

'Here we go!' Lin Feng thought before pulling the right arm spirit bone from his arm and hurriedly replaced it with the demonic right arm.

He then closed his eyes to absorb the spirit bone while his right-hand started regenerating.

"Hmm? The celestial dragon blood is reacting?!" He shouted in surprise as the dragon blood started boiling around his right arm.

"No, I should concentrate right now." He muttered while gritting his teeth.

After a few minutes of concentration to absorb the spirit bone, Lin Feng then opened his eyes as he released a sigh of relief.

"Huu, Success… That was pretty easy." He said with a satisfied smile on his face as he fell to the ground.

'Hmm… Demonic Charge: charge the energy into the spirit bone and it could launch a powerful energy wave to the enemy" Lin Feng muttered as the information about the spirit skill of the demonic right arm appeared in his head.

'But… There is no time limit for the charging, as long my body can endure it, I can charge the energy as long as I want.' He thought with an excited grin on his face because this spirit skill could be a trump card in his ability arsenal.

'This right arm spirit bone is not suitable with Zhuqing or Aria, maybe I should make something with this spirit bone... Hmmm, maybe a shield?' Lin Feng thought while staring at the right arm spirit bone on his hand, which is the spirit bone from the mystic grove turtle, and he also already had a rough idea about the shield design.

"Hmm...for the leg spirit bone from Renxue, maybe I should make a new bow with it..." He muttered before shaking his head because the ability of the leg spirit bone is not suitable for him. Also, he already has golden wind skill from Aurel.

He is also sure that Zhuqing and Aria won't accept the spirit bone as they know the spirit bone is a gift from Renxue and not him.

"Okay... Aria should be done cooking right now." Lin Feng murmured while placing the spirit bone into his inventory as he lifted his body from the floor and walked to the door.

As he opened the door, He saw Zhuqing standing in front of him before she hurriedly grabbed his right hand.

"What were you doing!? There is blood on your right hand!" Zhuqing asked as she hurriedly tried to heal the wound but to her surprise, it's only blood without any wounds.

'Ah, yeah, she never saw me get injured.' Lin Feng thought with a wry smile seeing Zhuqing taking a wet handkerchief from her spatial ring.

"Huh? there are no wounds?" She muttered while releasing a sigh of relief when she found that Lin Feng doesn't have any injuries.

"Thanks, but you don't have to worry too much about it, I only replaced my right arm bone." Lin Feng responded while patting her head.

"Mm- You what!?" Zhuqing nodded when hearing the first part of his words but she instantly shouted when she heard Lin Feng replacing his spirit bone.

'Doesn't that mean you just ripping out your bone and replacing it with the new one!?" She thought while staring at him with concerned eyes.

'Hahaha, I already said that you don't have to worry too much about it." Lin Feng stated while laughing before patting her head.

"Let's go. Aria should be waiting for us at the dining room." He added and gestured to her to follow before he walked to the dining room.

'Lin Feng...' Zhuqing thought while staring at his back before signing helplessly and then followed him to the dining room.