
Chapter 113(Edited)


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"Ehh, Junior?!" Dugu Bo choked while staring at the Bai Xian with a confused expression.

'What in the hell happened in the fight!?' He thought with a frown as Lin Feng only gave him a mysterious smile.

"Well, long short story, he's my slave now." Lin Feng responded while staring at Bai Xian, who suddenly kneeled on the ground.

"Right, Bai Xian?" He added, to which Bai Xian responded with a frozen stiff body, slightly trembling.

"Y-Yes, Master." Bai Xian stuttered while lowering his head, but Dugo bo can see that his face became pale like a sheet of paper.

"See~! also, you don't have to worry about him fighting back because I already put a leash on him." Lin Feng playfully smiles as he tapped Dugu Bo's shoulder.

"So you, as his senior, should give him knowledge about being a subordinate." He added while staring at his subordinate's eyes.

"I understand." Dugu Bo responded with a nod, and a slight smirk appeared on his face.

He understood what his young master means by giving Bai Xian knowledge about being a subordinate.

'Hmph! I will teach him about being a loyal subordinate!' Dugu Bo harrumphed while giving Bai Xian a stern look.

'Shit! What happened to me!? Bai Xian thought as he can't control his body and also his will to fight back.

'That sword did this to me...' He added in his heart with fear while staring at his chest, where he can see a symbol of a golden chain with a sword in the center.

"Grandmaster and the rest." Lin Feng muttered while shifting his gaze to a familiar man lying on the ground with four other people.

"I see that you have stable breathing... but I know you're already awake Tang San." He added while locking his gaze to the black-haired boy near Grandmaster.

Tang San's body moved slightly as he slowly raised his head and stared at Lin Feng.

"What kind of poison did you use to my teachers?" Tang San asked with a calm expression as he knew fighting Lin Feng in this disadvantaged situation is a foolish decision.

"Why should I answer that?" Lin Feng tilted his head while making a wooden chair grow from the ground and sat down before staring at him.

Tang San's calmly glared back at Lin Feng before slowly opened his mouth, "Would you save us from this poison if I give you one of my techniques?"

"Well, it depends on what techniques." Lin Feng replied while giving the black-haired boy a calm expression because it depends on Tang San's technique's usefulness if he wants to heal them.

'Tang Sect...' Tang San thought while feeling a loss in his heart as he didn't have an option right now.

He didn't want to betray his sect by giving a stranger their sect techniques, but he also doesn't want his beloved people to die.

"Sigh... Fine." Tang San said while trying to lift his body when Lin Feng suddenly touched his shoulder as a green haze came out from his body.

"It's the Poison..." Tang San said in surprise as he can feel the poison inside his body was gone.

'No, he did not cleanse the poison but took it away.' He thought while looking at Lin Feng's hand, which is glowing with a faint green light.

"Well, it should be enough." Lin Feng commented before taking back his hand while the green haze flew toward Dugu Bo, who calmly absorbs it back into his body as this poison was initially his.

"Now, show me your techniques." He added, making Tang San frown for a little bit.

'Let's see what you would give me, Tang San...' Lin Feng thought while sitting back on the wooden chair as his eyes turned into amethyst color and his pupil glimmering with white light.

Tang San showed him a few Tang Sect techniques like movement, vision, grappling techniques, making Lin Feng's eyes broadened a little bit.

'This is interesting.' Lin Feng thought excitedly before Tang San used his hidden weapon and quickly released many secret weapons in his clothes and threw it onto a tree.

'Even though not all of them are useful to me, I could integrate it to my technique like my flickering step.' He added as he could feel Tang San's movement technique had a similarity with his technique.

"Stop, it's enough." Lin Feng spoke as he has already seen enough of Tang San's techniques.

Tang San stopped his steps as he released a sigh of relief because he doesn't show Lin Feng's all his secrets.

"Before I heal them, are you the one who made those secret weapons?" Lin Feng asked while staring at the tree, now full of secret weapons like kunai, shuriken, and needles.

"Yes, I'm the one who made it." Tang San answered truthfully, to which Lin Feng responded with a nod of his head.

"Their quality is not bad." Lin Feng commented while walking toward Grandmaster, Flender, and Erlong.

'Hmm, the poison already spread into their whole body, but it didn't damage any of their vital organs.' He thought before touching them one by one with his hand.

After a few seconds, Tang San saw his teacher's face become normal, making him release a sigh of relief before staring at Lin Feng with a complicated look.

"Done." Lin Feng stated while lifting his hands from Flender's shoulder as three green gas flew toward Dugu Bo.

"Dugu Bo, your proficiency over poison is pretty good." He praised his subordinate, who calmly nodded his head outside while feeling happy inside being praised by his master.

"Thank you, Young Master." Dugu Bo responded with a slight smile.

"Poison..." Bai Xian muttered while staring at them with fear.

'Purple eagle couldn't cleanse it from his body even though his purple lightning tempered his body.' He thought while staring at the green gas flying around Dugu Bo's body.

'Just what kind of poison is that! even though I'm pretty sure that poison is several times weaker compared to the poison he used on the purple eagle.' He added while remembering that he only fought Lin Feng's clone.

"Hmm... Brainwashing Zhuqing, huh." Lin Feng muttered while shifting his gaze to Dai Mubai. He frowned before releasing a faint green light from his body as he touched Dai Mubai's shoulder.

'I changed my mind. This will be a punishment for you.' He coldly thought while staring at the green light that flew toward Dai Mubai's crotch, and he instructed Dugu Bo, ''Dugu Bo, take them back to their place."

"Yes, Young Master." Dugu Bo instantly replied before quickly arriving on Tang San's side before carrying Grandmaster, Erlong, Flender, and Dai Mubai away from the sunset forest.

Tang San was carried away by Dugu Bo, and he looked at Lin Feng with a complex expression.

"Say goodbye to your little brother, blonde boy!" Lin Feng shouted with a playful smile before walking back to his residence as Zhuqing and Aria followed him.

"Ah, yeah, Bai Xian. Protect this place; I want to rest." He instructed his new sla- Ehem, his new subordinate, who nodded his head.

'Monster...' Bai Xian thought before releasing a sigh of relief as he doesn't have to see Lin Feng for a moment.

Lin Feng, Aria, and Zhuqing entered the residence, and they directly went to the bedroom and the three of them laid comfortably on the bed.

Lin Feng stared at the ceiling while Aria and Zhuqing comfortably hugged his body.

'Let's summon something tomorrow.' He thought while shifting his gaze to Aria and Zhuqing and looked at them passionately.

Lin Feng kissed them on their cheeks before softly caressing their hairs, "Good night… Aria, Zhuqing."