
Chapter 119 (Edited)

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Lin Feng and Aria are walking together in the forest, and we can see a smile on both of their faces as they hold each other's hands.

'Oh, Zhuqing was successful? I sense strong natural energy emanating from the ice and fire yin yang well.' Lin Feng stated as he gazed at a transparent white hue in the air.

"Her affinity for nature definitely increased after her martial soul evolved, huh?" He added while nodding his head in approval.

"She became more powerful... That's good." Aria said this while staring calmly at her master.

'I also want to reach my master's strength so that I can stand comfortably beside him.' She added in her heart after a spirit fusion with Lin Feng, remembering her power.

"Let's go, Aria," Lin Feng said, pulling Aria into a princess carry before teleporting with spatial control.

"Mhm, Master," Aria hummed, smiling as she wrapped her slender hands around Lin Feng's neck and hugged him.

Lin Feng smiled as they both vanished from the area and arrived near the ice and fire yin yang well, where they can see one of Lin Feng's clones calmly meditating on a wood platform.

Lin Feng's clone looks at them before exploding into a cloud of white smoke.


"I see; Zhuqing is making huge progress." Lin Feng stated as he checked his clone's memory.

"She'll be awake in a few seconds." He remarked because he can see natural energy flowing back into Zhuqing's body.

"Is that you, Lin Feng?" Zhuqing opened her mouth suddenly as she heard Lin Feng's voice with her ears.

"It's me, Zhuqing, and you should concentrate." Lin Feng responded naturally.

"I understand," Zhuqing replied before gradually combining spirit and nature energy to create natural spirit energy.

Lin Feng notices a black line appearing on Zhuqing's forehead after a few seconds of meditating, swirling, and transforming into a black crescent moon symbol.

Zhu Zhuqing opens her eyes, revealing her red cat-like eyes.

"I did it, Lin Feng-Nya~!" Zhuqing exclaimed as she leaped from the wood platform, three cattails swaying from her upper buttocks.

She landed in front of Lin Feng before staring at him with her red eyes and making a "Praise me" gesture.

"Good job," Lin Feng said with a smile before patting Zhuqing on the head, causing the cat girl to purr in delight.

'Zhuqing now had three tails.' Lin Feng thought as he curiously looked at the three black cattails swaying back and forth.

'But she only got to the unstable sage mode, so it should be over in a few seconds,' He added this while looking at Zhuqing, who suddenly became frozen stiff as she returns to her normal self.

Zhuqing's cattails faded as well as the black crescent moon symbol on her forehead faded.

'it's already over?' Zhuqing lowered her head in thought.

"It's all right, Zhuqing. After a few training sessions, you should be able to stay in sage mode for much longer." Lin Feng stated confidently, prompting Zhuqing to raise her head.

"Mm," Zhuqing said, nodding her head.

'They're still training, aren't they?' Lin Feng pondered this while sensing the presence of his summons, which were dispersed throughout the sunset forest.

'I also have a date with Aria,' he added quietly in his heart as he pondered something.

Lin Feng stared at Zhuqing before opening his mouth and asking, "Zhuqing, do you want to continue training?"

"What do you think? Can I?" Zhuqing said with a tilt of her head.

"Well, my clone will be watching over and assisting you with your training." Lin Feng responded while transforming his sword birth into a six moon reflection and cloning one.

"You are not the one who is going to assist me?" Zhuqing pitifully asked Lin Feng, who chuckled and shook his head.

"I'd like to go to the city with Aria." Lin Feng said with a slight smile, causing Zhuqing to frown before shifting her gaze to Aria internally.

"We're going on a date," Aria stated calmly, a smile on her face.

"I see... I want to go on a date as well," Zhuqing said quietly, her gaze shifting to Lin Feng.

"Sure, if you can keep that form you just achieved a few seconds ago for one minute, we'll go on a date," Lin Feng challenged, making Zhuqing's eyes light up with spirit.

"All right... One minute it is!" Zhuqing nodded and walked toward the wood platform, meditating to control her natural energy.

Lin Feng shakes his head as he walks away with Aria.

"All right, let's go on our date." Lin Feng said to his beloved maid, who quickly nodded enthusiastically.

"hmm~ Date with master hehe~," Aria responded with a silly smile on her face.




[In the heaven dou city]

Lin Feng and Aria are strolling alongside each other on their date.

After a few minutes of walking around, they both came to a halt near the lake.

"It's beautiful..." Aria remarked as she gazed out at the crystal clear lake.

"You're more beautiful, Aria." Lin Feng smiled handsomely as he said this.

"Is that true?" Aria responded calmly while staring at him, but Lin Feng can tell she's happy on the inside.

"You're definitely more beautiful than this lake." Lin Feng said this while wrapping his arm around Aria's slim waist.

"Master..." Aria shifts her gaze to Lin Feng, who is smiling at her affectionately.

"Aria, follow me." Lin Feng said this as he led Aria into the woods near the lake, stopping near a large rock.

Lin Feng then jumped into the rock, taking Aria into his embrace as the magnificent view of the beautiful lakes came into Aria's view.

"Here," Lin Feng said, sitting on the lake with Aria on his lap.

"Master..." Aria said, her gaze fixed on her master's eyes.

Aria then passionately kissed him on the lips, which Lin Feng accepts before enjoying her lips as well.

"Let's change the place." Lin Feng suggested with a smile on his face.

"Mhm," Aria hummed, burying her face in his chest.

Lin Feng opened his dungeon room and carried Aria into the master room in princess's carry.

Lin Feng carried Aria into a unique bedroom with beautiful decorative flowers and a white bed as they entered the master bedroom.

"Master?" Aria looked at him as she opened her eyes.

"Please be patient." Lin Feng's soft voice reached her ears.

Lin Feng gently places Aria on the bed before kissing her on the lips.

"Aria, do you love me?" Lin Feng inquired, holding Aria's hand.

"Mm, Master, I absolutely love you," Aria replied.

"Then call out my name." Lin Feng fixed his gaze on her eyes.

"I love you, Lin Feng," Aria said affectionately, which made Lin Feng smile.

"I love you too, Aria."