But honestly, you aren't really bothered by that fact. Heck, you might even be a little excited. This guy's boss can't be that powerful if he's running around Kowloon level 1. But he should definitely be stronger than the Elecmon guy.
More data for your digimon to munch on and get stronger then.
You cast a glance up at the Zaxxon members lounging around, and feeling a little cheeky, you gave them a little theatrical bow, before standing back up fully and making your way deeper into Kowloon.
It took you a few minutes of walking to traverse the large area, and you kept a wary eye on any Zaxxon members you walked by, but you got through the area without incident and made it into the next.
Walking out into a hallway like crossroad. A trio of paths leading to different areas, one going north, one east, and the other west. But right in the middle, there was a familiar hacker. Elecmon guy, who was practically towering beneath a a tall well built guy wearing a sleeveless dark hoodie that showed thickly muscled arms and his hood hiding the majority of his face.
As soon as they saw you walking in, Elecmon guy tugged on the guys hoodie, "That's him boss!" he whined, "That's the guy who jumped me and stole my Elecmon's data!"
The 'boss' growled and spat to the side, and even with the hood over his eyes you could feel them glaring into you, "So you're the cunt that's messin' with ma boii's then!?"
Only one actually. But you didn't like this cunt's attitude.
"Yeah you got a problem with that, 'boss'?" you mockingly drew out his title. the only boss in this room is you.
"Watch that mouth of yours cunt," 'Boss' sneered back, "Anymore of that lip and I'll smash your head in and delete your digimon."
You snorted, "Come on then," you taunted, raising a hand and curling it in the 'bring it on gesture', "Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough."
"Oh that's fucking it!" 'Boss' shouted, raising up a red digivice, he pressed a button on front and reloaded a digimon.
A wall of thick red muscle appeared and towered above you, the ground shaking beneath your feet as the beast. landed on its thick, clawed feet after leaving its digivice. Opening its giant maw wide, it let loose a roar that shook your bones.
'Oh fuck!' your eyes widened. Because towering above you was a mother fucking Tyrannomon.
Your visor automatically scanned it. Champion level, data type, main attacks were Fire Breath, Slash Claw, Dino Kick and Wild Buster.
With a roar, it lunged forward, bringing its claw down intending on grabbing you. It was rebuffed, only by your digimon practically exploding out of your digivice, Black Agumon hitting it back with a Mach Jab to the face. Your three digimon landed before you, lined up, and ready to fight against the champion that had threatened you.
In an instant, you deployed your Goblimon club and pointed at the towering crimson red dinosaur, "DemiDevimon, hypnotise it!" you barked an order in a split moment, before turning your attention to your other two digimon, "Both of you hit it with your strongest attacks with me!"
DemiDevimon zipped up into the air rapidly, not even bothering to waste time with confirming your orders. "Evil Whisper!" he shouted, firing the hypnotic red waves from his eyes.
Tyrannomon was too big to avoid it, but not to try and counter. "Fire Breath!" the giant dino roared, spitting out a massive wave of flames that DemiDevimon couldn't hope to avoid.
The little bat squealed in pain, falling to the ground, body singed and smoking, but he did his job and Tyrannomon slumped over.
White hot rage filled you veins, and you barely even noticed as the crackling bolts of electricity ran across your club. A roar resounded through the area and it was only as you slashed your club through the air, unleashing a massive bolt of electricity that you realized it was you who was doing it.
Your massive bolt of electricity slammed into the towering dino with enough force to blow it off its feet. And your other two digimon weren't far behind you.
"Electric Stun Blast!" Gazimon followed your lead, unleashing a bolt of power even bigger than your own.
"Spitfire Blast!" while Agumon let loose a deluge of flames that could very well have matched the intensity of Tyrannomon's Fire Breath attack.
Despite all three powerful attacks though, Tyrannomon still lived. It was groaning in pain and struggling to get up, but still it lived.
A snarl left your lips. This fucking cunt. How dare it hurt your digimon!
"Stop fooling around Tyrannomon you moron!" 'Boss' shouted angrily at the downed dino digimon, "Just use your damn Wild Buster and kill them all!"
No way mate, not on your watch.
"Gazimon, again!" you barked at your newest digimon. You lifted your club up above your head once again, filling it with the power you gained defeated Gazimon's previous incarnation.
The bunny wolf cross combo followed your lead, body erupting with crackling electricity and as one, you both unleashed massive twin bolts of electricity that bowled into the yrannomon and washed over it before it could fully get to its feet.
It roared in pain and you saw its limbs lock up as it once again fell, this time landing on its face.
"Pile on it boys!" you roared.
DemiDevimon jumped up into the air, ignoring the burns on his body, three syringe spears tossed from his feet and shooting through the air, stabbing into the downed Tyrannomon drawing another roar of pain.
That roar of pain was cut off as Black Agumon sprinted forward like a velociraptor, quite a bit faster than you yourself knew you could run and smashed a glowing clawed fist right through its eye, "Mach Jab!"
Tyrannomon gave a loud gurgle of pain, before exploding into a small lakes worth of floating data flakes.
"NO!" 'Boss' screamed, dropping to his knees, "I payed a hundred and fifty thousand yen for that stupid thing!"
Elecmon boy whimpered, tugging hastily on 'Boss's hoodie, "Boss quick, we gotta go!" he pulled his leader up, 'Boss' growling all the way, but relenting after a moment, he spat at you before sprinting off.
You'd get that cunt next time. You weren't about to let it go that he hurt one of your boys.