Chapter 17

"So why are we here then?" Ruki asked after a few moments.

"This is where I let my digimon stay when I'm not in here," you replied.

"So there are digimon in here," the redhead concluded with an exited grin, she looked around as if searching for any digimon in the area, "So then, where are they?"

In your digivice, you wanted to show off and you didn't quite feel this was the place to do it, Kowloon would be best where they could show off their badass power. "In my digivice," you teased, wiggling it in your hand, "But we're not here to let you meet my digimon, we're here to give you a digimon because I can't just take you down to Kowloon without one to protect you." sure it was quite hypocritical considering you did just that, but while Ruki is a fit girl, you highly doubt she had the strength and fighting ability to beat a rookie digimon down on her own like you yourself had been able to.

"..Wait," she blinked, "You're just going to get me a digimon, just like that?" Ruki asked, looking at you in a bit of astonishment.

"Sure, I could have given you one anywhere, I just figured this would be less stressful than Kowloon for an in-training." you replied. She went to open her mouth, but you held up a finger and stopped her and instead went through your digivce.

You've got enough digimon and eggs at this point, and you already decided on one you were fine with parting with. A few buttons here and there, and Ruki jumped as her digivice let out a ding noise as it received both the Tokomon egg and the egg hatching program.

"A Tokomon egg?" Ruki asked, with brows furrowed the moment she saw it on her digivice, "But that's an in-training, they're supposed to hatch at the baby level."

"I'll explain it all to you later," you told her, "For now, why don't you bring the egg out and run the program I just sent you to hatch it."

She looked at you dubiously for a few moments before shaking her head, "Well whatever," Ruki dismissed her concerns before following your instructions. "Woah!" she gasped as a large white egg with yellow rings appeared in her hands, and immediately began to hatch as soon as she ran the program you sent her.

The things you do for hot girls man. Nobody even sold the program for hatching eggs, they were jealously guarded for reasons you didn't know of and so you had to code it yourself, it had taken you over a week and here you were just handing it to her for free.

"Hello, I'm Tokomon!" the white chomper chirped the second it hatched and laid eyes on Ruki.

"Right.." she trailed off, shooting you a look. You gave her a shooing motion telling her to get on with it. "Well, I suppose I'm Ruki, your tamer, well for now at least, you being strong enough to be my digimon remains to be seen."

Tokomon blinked and tilted its head to the side cutely, "I don't get it," it replied, before grinning show off razor sharp teeth, "But if it's a fight we're talking about I'll play, it sounds fun!"

"Well, at least you're enthusiastic." Ruki replied with a raised eyebrow. She turned to you next, "Now what Hayato?"

"Now we head to Kowloon," you said, "I'll help you get Tokomon at least up to a Rookie today so I can at least not have to find the need to constantly hang over your shoulder." if you get that Tokomon a large load of data, then when it digivolved it would be much stronger than the average rookie.

Her face scrunched up into something almost like a glare, "You talk as if digivolving is something easy to accomplish." Ruki near growled.

What's up with her?

"For a good tamer?" you began, shrugging your shoulders, "Getting to the champion level is something any mid-tier tamer should be able to accomplish with their digimon, hell there's tons of crappy tamers running around with Champion's because they just bought weak ones."

"You can buy digimon!?" Ruki shouted, mouth dropping in shock and eyebrows raising into her hairline.

When you transferred over to Kowloon Level 1, with Ruki tagging along behind you, you were quite surprised.

Few people ever hung out at the entrance teleporter to Kowloon, and usually just a few posturing morons trying to look tough.

What you found though, was a crowd hanging around the teleporter. With quite a few Zaxxon members mixed in.

"What's going on here?" you wondered, looking at quite a few people trying to push through the crowd to get to the exit. No doubt people that didn't have the Gate skill.

"I thought this place was supposed to be filled with tough ass hackers?" Ruki snorted.

"The bottom of the barrel in that group, but still true to a degree." you replied. Seeing a Zaxxon member standing at the back of the crowd, seemingly on guard you beckoned Ruki to follow and made your way over to him.

"Hey dude, what's happening here?" you questioned him.

He cast a look over his shoulder towards the door to the next area before sighing, "There was a Data Eater running around a little while ago," he answered letting out a deep sigh, "Ended up catching one guy, and as soon as it was gone a bunch of strong ass digimon showed up, only one champion amongst them but it massacred a bunch of our digimon and let a few of the rookie's it had with it absorb the data, so now they're tough as hell as well."

"What's a Data Eater?" Ruki asked in curiosity.

You grimaced. A Data Eater, you'd heard of them and even seen a few pictures of them. You'd never seen one in person, but the general consensus was that if you ended up caught by one, you'd probably end up a victim of Eden Syndrome and end up in a coma, a body without a mind. And whenever they appeared, scores of digimon usually followed not far behind.

"Monsters," you told her succinctly, "They're like glitch programs that if they end up catching you in here, somehow destroy your avatar and make it so your mind can't get back to your body, leaving you pretty brain dead."

Her violet eyes flew open wide, "What!?" Ruki gasped, "This place is that dangerous?"

"First timer?" the Zaxxon member asked you. When you nodded he sighed again, "Well, try not to go after them just to show off to your girlfriend here, I'm the boss in charge of the group on this level and that freaky Guardromon almost destroyed my digimon as well, would have if I hadn't brought it back to my digivice and booked it back here - just sit tight for now, I've already sent a message to boss Yuugo and he said he'll come sort this out soon."

Yuugo huh? You'd met him in passing and while he was a bit odd, you couldn't deny the power he had. Especially since he had a freaking Machinedramon that happily wagged its massive tail for him like an eager little puppy.

Would be a waste of data though. A champion that strong should definitely be enough to get DemiDevimon to the champion level. With both Black Greymon and Garurumon you could take it right?

The only possible problem you supposed, is if the Eater is still around. Even you don't want to tangle with one of those, they have a history for taking down three man squads of champion's alone.