Cathu could have been able to read his mind, only if He had been inside Tzaroth's second heart which He had created in him to inhabit when it became needful.The only way to know what Tzaroth was up to, was to talk to him.

One day soon after the signs of Tzaroth's inner turmoil began showing, Cathu passed by with something like unto a domestic cat, but with a black nose and one 'W' shaped eye that was blue in color with no visible pupils or corneas. It had grey colored fur with black stripes like a tiger. After showing Tzaroth the cat-like creature, Cathu asked him what name he should give it, he said Kiki with a blank expression on his face, he thought the name was cute. Judging this to be a strange reaction, let alone response(Cathu did not like the name Kiki used for the creature's species, unless used as a nickname), Cathu said, "I thought you would give it a name like Thothmozé or something of the sort." At this statement Tzaroth lowered his gaze and frowned slightly. "Are you okay dear?" Cathu asked, lowering his tone. "Some of these creatures,[sob] they die a lot," responded Tzaroth amid tears.

"You don't have to feel bad about that my dear, see, they have no individual souls and as such do not know they are suffering when they die. They as group souls experience life as pure knowledge, like artificial intelligence but with the capacity to reproduce its kind," replied Cathu.

Tzaroth was not satisfied with the response as it left yet another unanswered question, which was, what if Cathu the greatest one day got offended with him and decided to end his life, who would stop let alone question him for that? He gives and He takes at his own free will, could be the only thing to be feared in this land is Cathu, not the Tree of Death. Despite this, Tzaroth faked contentment, he said to Cathu, "I see, I guess I was thinking about it too much. I am sorry for doubting your benevolence, Oh great Omni-father."

Cathu told Tzaroth that all was forgiven, and that he understood him and his critical nature. Tzaroth had a philosophical mind, and that was okay.


Tzaroth had a habit of wandering in many sectors of Munda. He had learnt how to make crystalline isotopes from various crystals gathered, Cathu found the habit intriguing and did not bother stopping him. Who could blame him anyway, the crystals tasted like candy, they melted in his mouth, others were chewy, so delicious all in all. Hence, Cathu did not find it very suspicious when he saw Tzaroth gliding towards Crystal Forest.

Tzaroth flew straight to the forbidden tree, or rather the tree of death, descending to the ground, he walked and stood underneath it's branches. "This is not true living, existing under another's shadow like a pawn. I need to break free from this leash of being subservient and limited in the scope of that which I can and can't do. I need to die!"

It was only when Cathu saw Tzaroth by the base of the forbidden tree that He knew he was up to something dangerous. Even with this knowledge, He chose not to interfere because He had given Tzaroth free will, He simply watched with freezing countenance.

Tzaroth outstretched his left hand and plucked one of the red glowing fruits, whose lights continued to flicker even after being plucked from its branch. He then took a bite off it and chewed quickly, swallowing it smoothly. The fruit looked purple on the inside and it must have been sweet given that Tzaroth moaned after tasting it. When he had taken a bite, the fruit turned to a darker shade and released sootlike vapor as it withered and fell from between his fingers.

He heard Cathu call out to him and was about to respond when suddenly everything began reeling and shaking around him as he began falling into an endless pit. The fruit had clearly misaligned his placement among the stars that pinned  him to his destiny in eternal time. He had fallen from the beginning and was rising to the upside down end of his existence. He felt stinging pain all over his body whose skin had began to dry up like Atacama desert, and fear gripped his heart and soul causing him to exclaim, "Deus Save Me!" At this point, Cathu showed up in front of him followed by the crack of a lightning bolt, He then created a time-loop around Tzaroth, causing him to regenerate after every three minutes. This kept Tzaroth alive temporarily, longer than he would have persisted were it not for Cathu's timely intervention, allowing Cathu the greatest, time to speak with him and understand the reason for this his very terrible action.

"Why did you do that which I warned you against?" asked Cathu the greatest.

"Because you can kill me whenever you w...w...want to, or refuse to and thereby h...hand me an eternity borne out of the pity you fe..fe...f...feel for my existence. I can never be trully alive, not like this...not...[hic]...the way you made me. But...[groans]IT HURTS ME!!" Said Tzaroth the creation amid sobs. Cathu demanded he say that he was sorry in order to be forgiven, for He was a deity that could forgive only the repentant. Tzaroth said he was sorry and that is when Cathu presented a proposition.

"I shall help you save yourself. I placed two Spirit seats inside you, for each of your two hearts. You are inside one of the seats and was generating and using only a small fraction of the power you would have been generating and using had my Spirit been within your second heart. I shall input my Spirit inside your second heart and become a pace setter for your first heart so as to stabilize your life-force. However..." Cathu paused to administer a pain reliever to Tzaroth who had been groaning helplessly. He did this via an injection, where the medicine came from Tzaroth could only guess, but once administered, Tzaroth found that the paining sensations ceased quickly. Cathu then continued saying, "However...given that you want your freedom so much, I will only be buying you time to find the elixir of immortality.

In addition, you are to be born to a female humanoid in a planet created for mortals in a fourth density based world, you will die within five shers and nuits if you do not incarnate. Since you know my name, in your quest you are bound to succeed.

You shall be well equipped for your quest, and, although you shall suffer a great deal of childhood calamities, I shall ensure that no bone in your body is severed permanently, as a sign of my love to you. I will be guiding you in your second heart, which no mortal equipment shall be able to detect."

Tzaroth looked at Him quizzically prompting Him to ask, "Do you have a question?" Tzaroth said yes, he asked what type of calamities he would face as a child. Cathu eyeing him with concern told him, "You will die, sadly so, and I will resurrect you for you are allocated at least ten sun cycles by the Nine Lords of eons on that planet, during which untimely death cannot snatch you, but after which you waste away and die if you will have failed in this your quest. When I resurrect you, you will no longer feel very anchored to your physical form, your soul will be within it but your spirit will be in my hands, I who is within you, and thus your spirit will be bound to your body only because I will be within your second heart. Once you gain the elixir of immortality, your soul will cause your eternal spirit to emanate from within your first heart, its beginning will be unreachable and so will its end there of, its mystical here and now will be your most vital reality. You will die to your body from then onwards, only should the supreme God who is above you and I decide so, and...who can argue with the will of the supreme God? For there exists a deity safe for I, who created Light before my beginning in a beginning known only unto Him. From Him all other gods arise and unto Him they render all praise. [and He the Supreme God is not the author of this book, the author is just the author]."

With those words said, Cathu administered another potent injection into Tzaroth's chest. All the while he was lying on like unto grass but blue in color. The contents of the injection fluid were pale green with shiny indigo speckles, and the fluid appeared to swarm inside the syringe as though it was living. When he was injected, he experienced joyful spasms and he wriggled on the grass, holding his head as thread-like lightning bolts shot out of his scalp. He then touched a point on his chest where a second heart had began pounding. He levitated, this time without the help of wings and without him manually controlling it and his hair grew longer and thicker, as well as his beard.  He developed  a pair of brown corneas for each black colored eye(black for the white of the eye) with golden outlines around them. His complexion remained amber. He landed on his feet softly on the blue grass and he heard a still voice inside his head saying to him, "It's me, Cathu, I will be communicating with you from within, and you don't need to verbalize response with me, but you may do so if you wish."


Tzaroth knew that he must journey to the edge of the planet, to a Star-Seed-Gate where a wolf-headed god would usher him to his first life as a mortal on a planet whose location he would find out once he got there. First he got provisions for the journey, several crystal fruits and two medium sized jerry cans of water for himself and a dlagon he was going to ride. He packed them in a tough brown back-pack made out of leathery material he had been given by Cathu. He was wearing a black shirt and a pair of long pants that appeared to be made out of nylon.

He summoned a dlagon through a coded clap sequence.

And so the dlagon came and Tzaroth hopped onto its back, put on a pair of saddles attached to the dlagon and held on to the reins. He said "Up up!" with a guttural voice signaling the beast to disembark, and, up up and away they went as the dlagon galloped in the air.

The dlagon moved at super-sonic speed, maneuvering away from obstacles in the form of mesas, obelisks, and mountain ranges in sharp angular and arc-like trajectories. The weather had been changing in unpredictable ways ever since Tzaroth had fallen from innocence. He weathered the storm and Cathu's presence shielded him and his dlagon from getting too drenched by the rain or being struck by thunderbolts. The animals below couldn't help but cran their necks up with their eyes trailing the duo as they moved across the sky at lightning speed.

Tzaroth had been shown where the edge of the Munda was and there was an ocean separating the land mass over which they were flying above and the edge of the planet which was a place where the oceans touched the sky. He had began his journey two hours after falling from grace. He fed his dlagon more than he fed himself, which was understandable as the dlagon was toiling the most in this journey. He only ate when they stopped to rest for the nuit, and they only rested four hours a nuit, and two hours a sher. When they got to three fifths of the journey, they arrived at the ocean called Fratyr upon whose farthest ebb lay the edge of the planet. That is when things got a little more complex.

Tzaroth prayed to his deity Cathu to show him a way out of the vexing situation. Cathu, as loving as he was powerful, came through for His favorite creation yet again by freezing the surface of the entire ocean, and providing warm clothes for Tzaroth and his dlagon, if it had not been for this gesture, they too would have frozen. Thus did they manage to fly across the ocean with a surface to land on from time to time, and within four shers and nuits they had arrived within close proximity of the Star-Seed-Gate. Tzaroth set the dlagon free to go back to dry land as it was not its place nor was it practical for it to behold the things that lay beyond the realm of the living. Even though the time for Tzaroth to die had not yet reached, he felt very exhausted at the journey's end as his life was fading on him like the fire in the pouring rain. He approached the Gate on foot.

He met the wolf-headed god standing by the Star-Seed-Gate, a gate composed of giant pillars that touched the sky which seemed to hang very low. There were four beacons on either sides of the double-doored gate and in the middle was a staircase that led up to the gate on whose right side was a tall desk behind which the wolf-headed god stood.

The wolf-headed god spoke first, he uttered thusly, saying, "Normally I receive souls of the already dead, not the half-way dead, and they come to me brought here by the cloaked-wind-god. "Aooooooooooooooooooo!" [He howled] For what, do I owe this pleasure?"

For a few seconds Tzaroth's face appeared to sink inside of his face as he was creeped out by the snarly voice of the ravenous looking upper-half body wolf and lower-half body man god. He then regained composure and spoke with courage to the wolf-headed god saying, "My name is Tzaroth, first born of the created sentients of Lord Cathu. I have come here to be ushered into my first life as a mortal man."

"Aoooooooooooooooooooh..oooooh...ooooh!" Howled the wolf-headed god again, again and again to interject Tzaroth, the dying one. He then added, "Why don't you die like the rest of them. I will sift out your soul's cadaver and throw you...into... the bottomless pit!"

With those words uttered Tzaroth's soul came out of his body and his body tumbled to the ground. Then his soul communicated in unwritable dialects and in a multitude of voices whose meaning the wolf-headed god understood and spoke back to. The wolf-headed god then took Tzaroth's heart from his soul and placed it on a scale to weigh it against the feather of a divine bird. This meant that the wolf-headed god understood that mercy had been shown unto Tzaroth by his creator, that he should incarnate before completely dying so as to not completely die. He was weighing his heart in order to determine where he was fated to be born, and as a what. The wolf-headed god had also wisely decided to mummify Tzaroth's body in one of the pyramids erected for that sake using powers that could overcome the planet's gravitational force. The latter was to be done since Tzaroth's body could not decay with his soul departing from its body before actual death, as the life and death timer paused counting down when the soul exited its form unexpectedly.

Though he was out of his body, Tzaroth's soul could still see without eyes and hear without ears all that was transpiring in at that strange afterlife court. He was then whisked through the Star-Seed-Gate without farther instructions from the wolf-headed god. He found the other side of the Gate to have some kind a mixture of inter-life-form, interdimensional and time portal and a voice at the entrance he had gone through told him "It gets easier with time," for he was indeed very afraid of the where to he was going. He horizontally spiralled at dizzying speeds across a strange universe from one galaxy to another, passing myriads of stars, black-holes and planets along the way. As for the description of the stars and planets, from a distance they appeared like a violet ocean then as he got closer they became like indigo clouds then orange and yellow dust with white orbs  that became streak-like as he sped past them. When he came to the tail of a spiral galaxy (The Milky Way), his speed began to slow down as he approached one of the stars on its ebbs and he moved towards what appeared to be a pink planet.

On entering the gravitational pull of the pink planet, it changed shape from spherical to a pink-shielded dome with ragged ground surface and a transparent atmosphere. He floated above  blue waters, the sky looked pink and it had white colored solid blocks he presumed were houses. He entered into a kind of queue with colored ghostlike apparitions he presumed were souls going to be born like him. The ghostlike apparitions in the queue moved quickly disappearing into houses from which radiated panic and slap-like noises. Tzaroth's essence was gripped with fear and he did not want this, he did not want to be born.

"I will make my abode in these skies over the oceans and be like a god here," Tzaroth thought unto himself, but incarnation was not a choice, and he realized that he was still moving as though automatically driven by an alien force. He ended up inside a white chapel with a brown rooftop and inside the chapel was the strangest congregation ever. The congregation was made up of colored souls that were of mostly indigo shades, this was strange since his ghost color was white.

There was a big ghost on a platform somewhere in the middle of the chapel being slapped by a handful of other ghosts and returning the slaps. Well, actually everyone was slapping and being slapped in this place, in it some forces were being transferred from one ghost to another. Tzaroth the ghost tried to help the big ghost and it passed through him turning his essence color purple.  It then turned against him and began slapping him in the back but was stopped by the other ghosts from going with it too far.

Tzaroth, now purple and full of a strange force left the chapel, moving like a merman in his purple purple flavor. He ended up standing outside on the road. Though purple in color, he was invisible to those on the road, and for a moment he enjoyed passing through the forms on the road, some of them fat, some of them slim, some of them short and some or them tall. He hadn't gone on with this for very long when a fat indigo ghost spotted him after walking through Tzaroth by accident and sensing some kind of attraction. Tzaroth the ghost felt stinging pangs for the first time here as he too became indigo in color. His last thoughts before being engulfed by the darkness of the womb were, "Why did you touch me," and the response implied to that querry would have been, "because you asked for it," and so it was,Tzaroth became a foetus.


While in the womb, Tzaroth realized he could see nothing brilliant and his sentience was was like a light with nothing to bounce back against, in the womb, Tzaroth was blind mute and deaf. Yet even in the darkness, his remembrance of his origin was enough proof that he was still alive. Only when he was born, did he begin hearing, sensing touch and smelling things. And when sight came to him, the first things he saw were glowing eyes in a black background, very many eyes at first, and then he opened his sight to the world he'd been born, Tiamat was it's name.

He saw his father, he saw his mother, and he saw a little boy who was to be his brother. They were beautiful and green, bipedal, and most importantly they looked happy to see him. As for the Tiamatian look, other than the strange color of their skin, their eyes were white and huge in proportion to their head size and they were almond shaped with tiny black pupils inside a blue cornea. They had pronounced cheek bones, squarely chiseled noses with two holes for nostrils, lizard-like lips and two red horns on top of their hairless heads. Their skin was scaly and they had five fingers on each palm like a human, five toes on each foot like a human, but their fingernails were black and glossy. Their teeth looked like those of an omnivore. Their eyebrows were slim and long and they had long eye lashes and generally squared chins. They were slender in appearance and their adult females were curvy, with wide hips and  two amply sized breasts. Their adult males were slender and strong, with broad chests and well muscled limbs. Their youngings were cute with tiny horns, their general outwards appearance was similar and variations only began showing when they reached puberty stage.

Tzaroth was baptized Gorrgon(meaning borne of fire) by priests at a local church in their village called Hillsville. They were a people that adored fire.