Jin stared at the window in front of his face in shock once again. He had heard of comics and mangas where people got a video game system to aid them in one thing or another but never thought he would get one himself

"Uhmm, how exactly will you help me?"

"Status," Jin thought, and in front of him showed up a new window

< Name: Jin Xiao >

< Race : Half Human, ??? >

< Exp : 0/100 >

< Level : 1 >

< HP : 20/20 >

< Strength : 10 >

< Agility : 10 >

< Stamina : 10 >

'Wow, it's just like one of those role-playing games back in Emerald City. But I wonder what the question marks are'. He looked through his status and saw that below the status bar were two other tabs that read skills and inventory respectively

'Skills' Jin thought. And another window appeared in from of him

< Skills >

< Skill points : 0 >

< Gamers Mind [ Level: Max ]: Allows the player a calm state of mind, even in the face of adversity. Grants immunity to mental based attacks >

< Gamers Body [ Level: Max ]: Allows the player to live his life like a game >

< Skill locked ??? >

< Skill locked ??? >


'Well that's just useless, the only thing this tells me is that I'm going to be calm in difficult situations. Although that isn't too bad of a skill, I wonder if there are any downsides to it'.

Jin then looked at the other tab in his display, 'Inventory' he thought.

A third tab appeared in from of him, it had 20 empty boxes filling the page and a large box at the bottom which showed a human body wearing the same clothes as him.

Jin figured that the empty boxes were meant to hold anything he might put in there. He placed his finger on the body in the large box and tapped on the shirt. The options < unequip > and < upgrade > came into view. Once he tapped on < unequip >, Jin yelped as his shirt immediately disappeared from his body and appeared in one of the boxes in the inventory.

"Woah....That was awesome, I wonder if it can simply hold anything at all". He then looked at the shirt in the box and thought 'equip'. The blue shirt immediately appeared back on his body.

'Well, as least there's something useful in all this' he thought.

Jin dismissed all his tabs and decided to eat the meal placed at his table before it got cold, he remembered that Lynne didn't like when people wasted food, and from the memories of his childhood, Jin saw where she had beaten him up once for wasting food.

Jin shivered at the memory, Lynne could be downright scary.

He had just started eating when suddenly a new tab appeared in front of him

< Daily Quest >

< 100 pushups >

< 100 sit-ups>

< Run 10km >

< Reward : 10 Exp >

< Bonus Quest >

< Survive till the end of the day>

< There are mercenaries sent to kill the body you currently inhabit, evade them, and survive till the end of the day>

< Reward : 50 Exp, ???>

The spoon in his hand immediately fell back into the soup with a splash, "What the fuck!!!!!" Jin screamed. But what truly surprised him was not the bonus quest, but rather...

"How the fuck am I supposed to do a hundred sit-ups!!!??? I haven't done ten consecutive sit-ups since the day I was born!!!!!"

This was unfair, he finally had the means to gain power, but now he had to.....exercise???? What sort of messed up system is this?

"Spectre, come out here!! right now!!"

The ball of light simply materialized at his side, "what can I help you with Ji- WOAH!!". It didn't get to finish it's sentence before it was grabbed by Jin and shoved on the screen

"Explain this," he said

Spectre sighed at Jin, it knew the mercenary Quest would cause him some discomfort, " Now Jin, I know you are new to all this, but I'm sure you can survive the mercenaries...."

"What, oh yeah there's that too. But what I'm worried about is this here, they expect me to do a hundred sit-ups!!?"

Spectre felt a sweat drop form over his head, and here it was worried about this idiot, "Yes you are expected to do the exercises. And I advise you get to it else you won't be able to evade the mercenaries"

Jin sputtered, "But I haven't even done ten sit-ups before, how am I expected to do a hundred" he lamented and banged his head on the table with a groan.

"You have the memories of this place and areas that may be suitable for you to exercise. It is up to you to decide how you want to do them, I will not hold your hand throughout your stay here. " Spectre said as it started to vanish, "Now I suggest you stop talking to yourself, someone is coming". It then vanished completely

Lynne walked back into the room with a pitcher of water in hand. She saw the food still on the table and turned to Jin. "My Lor- No, Jin, are you not hungry? Is your sickness coming back again?"

Jin was confused by this at first, until he remembered that his body was initially poisoned and was supposed to be dead. The amount of worry on the face of Lynne had him immediately deny it, " No Lynne, the sickness isn't acting up again", and it probably never will again, especially since the gamers Body didn't show any signs of ailments in his body, "I'm just not hungry right now"

Lynne nodded and came closer to carry the food away, "Okay then Jin, I suppose I can overlook you not eating just this once, Although there are a lot of things that you need to do today, I was wondering if you had enough strength to begin" she asked

Jin was tempted to say yes, he didn't like to lie, and lying to his childhood friend was something that he had never done before. But he knew he would need the day to carry out the daily task, it wasn't like he could do a hundred situps and pushups in 30 minutes.

"I just want to rest today Lynne, please clear my schedule"

Lynne nodded at him and after carrying the tray of food, moved towards the door to leave. Jin noticed that she didn't leave, but instead stood with her back facing him and her hands on the door "Are you sure you're okay Jin?" she asked

Jin smiled at her, he knew she only called him by his name when she was speaking personally and not just as his advisor, "Don't worry Lynne, I'm not going anywhere" he answered back

"Good, because I don't know what I'll do if I lost you too," Lynne said, before opening the door and promptly leaving the room.

Her last words resonated with Jin. He remembered that Lynne has no one left but him, she had always been with him and had no other family. She really would be all alone if he died as well.

Jin resolved himself to get stronger then and there, to be strong enough to protect this new world and people who depended on him.

He got up from his bed and changed his clothes into simpler ones, black slacks, and a blue t-shirt adorned his body. He searched through his cupboard and finally found a sack of gold coins in one of them, he opened his inventory and saw that on the body in the large box was a sack-like the one in his hand, he thought < unequip > and the sack immediately went from his hands into one of the smaller boxes.

Jin then started leaving the room while trying to think of a place to go for his training. He filtered through some of his memories and was able to find a clearing in the forest outside the city where he usually went to relax; he could work out there without disturbances.

And so he made his way out of the room