Jin's mind snapped.

" !!" he yelled, and two daggers appeared in his arms.

He twisted to his left and tore the arm right off a guard that was about to take him down. He jumped forward, stabbed the guard in the eyes with both daggers, and after taking him to the ground, stabbed him once more for good measure.

He rolled off the guard and delivered a kick to the shin of another guard, making the guard fall on him and stabbed him as well.

From then on, everything was just a blur for him. He remembered tearing someone's leg off, as well as breaking someone's arm. He remembered holding onto a rib at one point in the fight and using it to stab another guard to death. He even remembered being stabbed in the back by a spear; he didn't know what happened then, but he knew the two eyeballs in his arms belonged to the guard.

The next thing Jin knew, he had broken through the castle door and was making a break for it. He looked back and saw that Renji and the rest of his party were right behind him. He didn't even remember they were in the same room.

The party made it to the inner wall with little resistance faced. Jin charged straight for the guards posted at the gate and began tearing through their numbers. Renji and his two subordinates meanwhile went towards the control station to try bringing down the draw bridge.

They entered and saw there were about three guards there. Renji took out three shurikens and threw them at the guards. Two of them struck the guards in the head and killed them, but one missed by a small margin. The fortunate guard tried rushing them, but his spear charge was caught by Hiro, who proceeded to break the spear and then deliver a shattering blow to the guard's nose.

The guard stumbled back and tried to reach for a knife behind him, but was intercepted by Mai. She caught his hand and bent it behind him, bringing him to his knees. She then proceeded to perform a chokehold on his neck and snapped it.

All of this took less than five seconds...

The trio worked the bridge controls and Renji pulled the lever to lower the bridge. They sprinted out of the station and back to Jin, who has already dispatched all the guards at the gate. The trio took a second to look at him properly and almost regretted it immediately.

He was a complete mess. He had tears all over his body and large portions of his robe had been torn right off. He was completely drenched in blood and his lands looked like he had dipped them elbow-deep into a barrel of red paint.

He looked back towards them, and Mai took a step back this time. His eyes were completely void of any semblance of sanity. For a second, they feared he would attack them. But he blinked, and it was clear again.

"We have to move. Let's go" he said

The group went through the inner gate and began making their way over the draw bridge with Jin in the lead. They were almost across when they heard someone coming in from the outer gate.

"You know, when I was told to come to the palace; I didn't think I would need to apprehend criminals" The owner of the said voice was a male human. He wore black slacks and a white top and used one of his hands to hold a jacket hung over his shoulder. The other hand rested in his pocket.

"This is way below my pay grade," he said

Jin and his party stopped in their tracks on the opposite side of the bridge. The reason they did was because of the badge on the man's shirt. It was the badge of Tor's Military.

"Look, just come with me. I can't promise you'll be okay if you do, but at least it'll save us all the trouble" he said

"Renji, lead everyone through the gates and find some horses. I'm going to distract him"

Jin separated from the group and ran towards the man without waiting for a response. He got close to him and was about to stab him when the man brought out his hand from his pocket.

"You really should've listened"


An explosion resounded through the castle

The next thing Jin knew, he was flying backward and landed on the bridge. He had crossed his arms before the man snapped his fingers, and that saved his life. Because as he looked at his forearms he saw that he had at least third-degree burns on them.

'What the hell?' he thought


Jin scrambled to move to the side. Another explosion spread out from where he had just been. Sending fire and wood everywhere.

"I think you should give up now. This is getting boring"

Jin snarled and charged the man again

"Really? Do you never learn?" The man drawled. He rose his right hand again and snapped his finger. But he was surprised when Jin jumped straight through the explosion with his hands crossed.

Jin rolled on the floor and launched forward once he came out of the roll. His dagger was positioned perfectly to stab the man in the face, but the man leaned back away from the knife. He planted his hand behind him and flipped backward and away from Jin. All without letting go of his jacket.

He landed on the ground but had to move again when Jin was on him almost instantly. He dodged slash after slash, and stab after stab. He watched Jin's eyes as he fought, and knew that if he made any mistakes here, he would be killed for it.

'Is this guy really a Lord? I don't think Lord's fight like this' he thought as he slapped Jin's left wrist with his right arm to disarm him. 'Don't tell me I have to get serious with this guy'

Jin meanwhile was in a frenzy. He didn't know why he was fighting, nor did he care. He didn't even remember how he got most of his injuries. All he knew was that he had to escape this place. And this man in front of him was the enemy he had to defeat to do that.

His left wrist was hit, making him drop his weapon in that arm. But he rolled with the force of the hit and using the weapon in his right arm, was able to land his first hit of the fight. A cut to the bicep.

The man jumped further back and accessed his injury, "Wow, that's impressive"

He dragged his finger along the injury and Jin saw as it began sizzling before it sealed.

"I really didn't think you were this strong. It just might be a waste for you to die. But, I have my orders"

The man rose his right hand up and a red magic circle came to live in it "I'll give you one last thing before you go. My name is Lt. Arashi Masaki. Don't take it personally, okay"

Jin ran forward once the magic circle manifested, he was almost within stabbing distance. But then, the magic circle expanded till it dwarfed him. Another magic circle appeared behind him, then another on each of his sides, then smaller ones inside those larger ones.

"Fire skill no. 32:" Arashi whispered, "Senrei"

And from the magic circles came forth a sea of fire. It circled and scorched everything. The draw-bridge began chipping away to ash and falling to the river below. And the man stood there, his hand still holding the jacket that never left his shoulder and his other hand outstretched.

Within the fire, Jin screamed.