Rom snarled at him as his helmet of rock fell off his head and to the ground. He squeezed down on the foot and the warden retreated back a step when he felt actual pain from it.

"You say I am one of the strongest 'gladiators' you have ever seen...? A gladiator?"

Rom stood up from the ground, squaring his shoulders and stretching his legs under him. He opened his eyes and for the first time in a long time, he allowed his true powers to come to the surface, he allowed it all out.

"Let me show you the true power of a former General in the Revolutionary army!! The power of Romelus Rava!

"Magic skill No 10: Huma!!"

There was a sudden wind as Rom shouted and the warden looked around to see the rocks around him shaking uncontrollably. They tumbled and rolled until they took off the ground and began rolling around Rom.