"Halt! Who are you!!?"

Quinn swore internally as he ran into a small platoon of guards on the other side of the door. It seemed that this time he had walked into a guard station.

He looked back to the room he had just come from and saw that it had turned into a toilet and bathroom.


"I said who are yo – wait, did you come out of our toilet? What were you doing in there?"

Quinn chuckled nervously while scratching at the back of his head, "Well you see, it's sort of a long story"

"That's it, I'm taking you into custody"

The guard was about to grab onto Quinn, but Quinn reversed the hold and delivered a kick to his midsection. The guard spat out blood and crumbled to the floor.

The other guards came up and attacked Quinn. The first one tried to skewer him with his spear, but Quinn easily batted it aside and punched the guard in the face.