"What do you mean you've been in here for forty-three years?"

Quinn was currently sitting on the bed beside Alice and trying to make her concentrate long enough to have a simple conversation. But it seemed as though his hair was all she was interested in.

  He moved his head and prevented her from getting a hold of his hair. This made her frown sadly before huffing and turning away.

Quinn sighed before removing his hand from his head and allowing her to touch him, "Fine, there you go"

Alice smiled and began running he hand through it again.

"So, how come you haven't tried to escape yet?"

Quinn would never admit it, but he was secretly enjoying the feeling of having her hand roam through his hair. He felt her pull on a strand of it and cringed in pain.

"No pulling"

"Sorry," she said timidly.

"It's fine. Now answer my question."

Alice hummed and kept running her hand through his hair while she answered, "I don't know why"