"Second ranker Quinn Xiao. Its good to see you back on your feet"

Quinn sat down opposite from five people. Two of whom were General Wasashi and Nimueh. He had never met the other three before, but he could guess that they were generals as well.

The person who had spoken was one of the three unknowns. A bald man who wore framed glasses and carried an air of intelligence about him. 

Quinn looked him in the eye but gave no response.

"Its quite surprising how fast you healed. Perhaps there is some form of power you possess which allows you to do this?"

The bald man spoke up again, but Quinn still have no response.


"Cut the shit"

Quinn's voice rang through the room, cutting into what the man was about to say and making him raise an eyebrow curiously.

"Oh?" He asked.

Quinn bent forward and placed his hand on his knees.