Quinn, along with Alice, Aran and Misaka were walking towards the dorms for lieutenants. Quinn didn't fix the lieutenant badge to his uniform, not seeing the use of doing that, he simply held it in his pocket like most other lieutenants.

They got to the entrance and were about to enter the dorms when a figure suddenly knocked into Quinn as it passed by.

The group stopped and watched as the figure continued on its way without slowing down to apologize.


A voice shouted from their other side, just before another figure ran after the first one. The person was Ban and he sent a quick apology to Quinn before he went on his way.

All four of them watched the two move across the fields quickly before entering into the dorms for cadets. Quinn shrugged and turned to begin moving again - it was none of his business what was going on - but another voice stopped him.

"I apologize for my daughter's behavior, she meant no harm"