Jin left the girl alone as she cried. She never stopped eating once throughout the time and simply ate through the tears.

When she was done, she looked up to Jin with her hands held out and Jin handed her another portion of meat.

She brought the meat closer to her slowly – and after making sure Jin was still not going to do anything to her – she continued to eat.

It wasn't until she looked up after finishing the second portion that Jin finally spoke up.

"Are you okay now?" He asked her, and she nodded her head slowly. "Do you want more?"

He brought out another portion of the meat and presented it to her.


Her stomach rumbled as she caught a whiff of the meat and she stretched her hand out to grab it, but Jin brought it back before she could take it. She looked to him like he was a traitor.

"Calm down, I'm still going it give it to you. But first, tell me your name"