Jin was flying.

He didn't know exactly how he got to this point, but all he knew was that he was flying through the sky like a cannonball.

He smashed into the gate of the town and it broke against his weight.


Jin slid backward for a while, but once the gate stopped moving, he jumped off it and dodged to the side.


The gate was immediately sent flying by the feet of the speed-type. It looked towards him with its smile and Jin grinned.

He ran towards it and Jumped up to its face. it waved its hand sideways and tried to wipe him away, but he managed to grab onto the hand and hold on.

The monster then swung its hand in a wider arc and sent Jin flying from it. He skid across the ground before forcing himself back to his feet with a grow n.

He looked to the other fights happening in the clearing and saw the squad were easily taking care of the other two monsters. He needed to finish this as quickly as possible.