"So you mean to tell me we are going to the very center of the forest. The one place where we have no chance of escape in case of an attack and the place with the highest concentration of boogymen?"


"And we're going to be doing this why?"

"Because it's the one place where we have never experienced an attack before. Frankly, it's the safest place in the entire forest"

Jin stared down at Drew coldly, hoping for the man's sake that he wasn't pulling his leg. But when drew returned his stare impassively he knew he was speaking the truth.

Jin sighed.

"And how are we going to get there exactly?"

"We came along with some wagons. It should be enough for everyone."



"Are you sure this is the place?"

Hakeem asked for what seemed like the hundredth time that night.

"Of course, Hakeem. Don't you trust me?"