Jin came out from the bathroom of the room he had been given and toweled at his hair. It had grown up to the point where he was required to tie it up at all times.

And now that it wasn't tied up, it fanned out on his shoulder and all the way to the middle of his back.

'I once hoped to get a haircut didn't I?'

He sighed and threw the towel over his shoulder.

"Griselda. Where are you?"

"Over here mister"

Griselda called out from the door to the room. She carried a tray with her small hands while trying to get the door open.

Jin smiled at her pouting face before going forward to get the tray from her.

"Did you go to get me food?"

She nodded, "Yes… But I got lost on the way and had to ask for help"

Jin patted her head before dropping the food on the table, "Thank you"