Yes, yes. I am aware of the hypocrisy. And frankly, I understand if you wish to take out your anger on him. After all, I am the one regaling the tale to you. But please, try to understand there is far more to the hearts of people than a one-dimensional pathway of emotions. And far more to this story than the evil or good in people's hearts.


"I'm sorry he did that. I know you really wanted to keep him"

"Sniffle~ But why would he just throw him out. He can barely care for himself with how small he is"

"Sigh~ Okay sis, you can't tell anyone about this. No matter what. Do you understand?"


"Whatever, just come with me"

"Where are we going?"

"Shh~ Just keep walking. Mum's distracting dad and we don't want to wake them"

"But, where are we go- is this?"

"Y-Yeah. I-I couldn't get everything right, but I managed to find a few logs around and build a small one"

"A dog house. Y-you made this"