"I'm sorry, but this is as far as I can let you go"

The two men stood opposite from her with Torino smirking and Renji tensing for a fight.

"The mistress of healing magic," Renji said, "It's an honor"

"You don't sound honored," Sultria said, bemused, "I wonder if that is the Toran pride showing"

Renji narrowed his eyes at her. He thrust out his right hand and the tattoos there glowed blue, "You can't beat the both of us. Surrender"

"I can't do that, I'm sorry. There too much at risk for me to slow you take what lies behind these walls"

She bent low and touched the ground, "Reverse healing: Decay!"

The ground suddenly turned back where her hands had touched and spread out in a wide line on both sides of her. She then twisted her hand and the ground collapsed in on itself.
