Her lips were soft against his and Jin found himself shocked by the ferocity she brought. She wrapped her hands around him and dragged herself up till she was level with him and Jin wrapped his hands around her waist to help her.

They battled it out for a while, her moans like music to his ears as she rubbed against his bare chest. Until finally, he decided that enough was enough and he began to strip her bare.

Just like before, she wore a simple button-up shirt and a pair of trousers. Jin had never torn apart a shirt as quickly as he did that night. He threw the ruined shirt to the side and reached for her trouser, but she stopped him and stepped back.

Jin watched, transfixed, as she turned and slowly pulled off the trouser. She bent down and Jin twitched.

She wore a matching pair of black undergarments, they were lace and almost see-through. And Jin suddenly realized she had probably been planning to go this far from the beginning.