Jin tightened the straps on his horse, making sure they wouldn't loosen or slack while he rode. Once he was done he turned towards the other people standing around.

The sun in the sky had begun to disappear over the horizon, drawing the time of their departure closer and closer. 


Jin turned around, his face already splitting into a smile as he saw Griselda running up to him. He opened his arm and she jumped into them, laughing as he rose her up. 

"Hey squirt" 

He said with a smile and smiled as she laughed some more. Some more footsteps came closer and Jin looked up to see Mai, Rose, and Mira walking up to him.

His smile widened.

"Hey," he said softly to them once they came within hearing distance and almost fell over when Rose hugged him fiercely. He managed to only take a step back, catching her in the process.

"Come back," she said softly, her voice holding more emotion than he had ever heard before.