"Turn it off, Gray" Aran said.
Gray looked back at the humming transporter before turning back to Aran, "I can't do that"
Aran narrowed his eyes, "That was an order, Gray"
Gray grit his teeth and stood taller, facing Aran with every bit of courage he could muster, "Sorry, sir. But I can't do that."
"You would disobey me for this?"
"I would do anything to spare our country this mistake," Gray said, "This could spell our doom, Aran. This small mistake could destroy us!"
Aran sighed, "We have our ord -"
"Fuck the orders!"
"There is no reason for this! All we're doing is antagonizing him. We could all burn for this, Aran!"
Aran closed his eyes for a second before opening them again. He tightened the gauntlets on his hands.
"I can't let you go through the portal." he said, looking pointedly at Gray, "I have my orders"
Gray's eyes widened before he turned back to Alice, "Go" he said to her