Willy waltzed through the hidden base with a skip in her step. She headed towards the meeting room and entered with a bang.


Renji sighed.

"Don't call me that."

Willy giggled and walked to stand behind the seat beside his own.

"I thought you liked it"

"You know I don't," Renji said.

"Really?" Willy put her hand to her chin and looked like she was deep in thought, but Renji knew she was just pulling his leg. She obviously knew he hated it.

"How was the mission?"

Willy snapped out of her fake thoughtfulness and saluted him, "Perfect!" she grinned.

"Hope you at least didn't leave too many bodies"

Willy gasped, "Of course not! You taught me better than that"

She was right. He had.

The door to the meeting room opened again and Willy suddenly stood ramrod straight when Nash walked in. Ranji never figured out why she was so scared of him.