Ch.1 [ Awakening. ]

{ General POV }

In a cell at underground facility somewhere in Konoha a little red haired girl, around 5 years old with her body covered in scars and bandages, one eye with a big scar running across it and the other looked like sapphires that lost its gleam. There were chains binding her arms and weights on her legs to keep her in place. The child suddenly jolts up and looks around, she tries to move her arms and legs only to find it chained.

{ Haruna POV }

"WHAT?WHAT THE FUCK?WHERE THE HELL AM I??!?"In the middle of my panic attack a massive headache slams into me as I recall the memories of my last 5 years in hell.

{ General POV }

[5 and half years ago]

In the Hokage's office Sarutobi Hiruzen asks his successor Minato Namikaze," Are you sure about this Minato? I mean it's still your child you know.". "Hai Sarutobi-sama, Kushina and I have talked about this from when we knew she was pregnant. Kushina is still the most important thing to me and its not like I lose much I'll still have a son and Kushina with me. If we transfer the kyuubi to the child we can have full control of her from the beginning and she'll do anything we want. We gain more than we lose."

As Hiruzen thinks in silence, a voice from the corner of room says, "I personally think that this is a brilliant idea. Kushina will no longer be targeted by other countries and the village gets an excellent weapon. The life of one child is rather small price to pay for the safety of Konoha."

Hiruzen mulls the idea in his mind one more time and comes to the same conclusion and agrees thinking, 'What they are saying is right even though it's immoral the village is more important than a child.' and says, "Okay Minato, order some the Anbu to build a completely secure facility equipped with sealing tags and get the best Fuinjutsu experts on this. We will move Kushina there as soon as it's finished so no one can interfere and also stack up on daily necessities I don't want any shinobi who are assigned to this mission to go outside the facility once the mission once it starts so we can prevent the information from leaking and do everything as discreet as possible okay?". "Hai Sarutobi-sama I'll get right on to it."

{ Kushina POV }

[A few months later]

As I lay down on the bed with many Fuinjutsu specialist surrounding me ready to transfer the kyuubi, a thought pops into my mind, 'Is this truly alright? Even though me and Minato have had this talk multiple times over the last few months I'm still a little reluctant to do this to a baby, my baby' my face goes pale at the thought of doing this to my baby but then I feel my husband squeeze my hand giving me support and helps me to harden both my heart and resolve, 'Thats right this is for me and Minato and the village as well and I'll still have my sochi.' As I think of my son the pain in my lower abdomen suddenly flares up and I scream and the medical-nin next to me urges, "Kushina-sama you're almost there come on, push." I grit my teeth and push hard and some time later later a baby's wail echoes and while panting heavily I look down as the doctor holds a blonde haired baby boy in his arms and smile at my sochi, 'He's as handsome as his father.' I think for a brief moment as the pain comes back to me and i start pushing again and soon there is another cry and i look down to see a red haired baby girl and my eyes start to tear up, no matter how much I resolve myself this probably won't be any easier.

After wiping the baby, she is placed on a pedestal and the Fuinjutsu shinobi start the transfer process that Minato and I came up with. It could transfer the bijuu but it was quite risky as the seal holding the bijuu had to be weakend first ,which risks the bijuu escaping but thankfully the tranfer went smoothly. Minato runs up to me check up on me while some anbu make sure there was no issues with the new jinchuriki.

(' I'm sorry. I'm sorry, child. I'm sorry that that I had to do this') I think as I see the child being taken away by the root anbu.


A/N : You know before you start hating on me because I made Minato, Hiruzen, Kushina and the others seem like bad guys I want you to know that, yeah this scenario is kind of impossible in the main story as both Minato and Kushina loved kids but ima blame it on danzo who used obito to put minato under his control like he did to yagura. And haruna not dying cuz of the kyuubi is...#PLOTARMOR.

Thanks for reading and I hope you continue and please leave a comment if you enjoyed.😁