Ch.3 [ Unwanted & Abandoned pt.2 ]

{ Haruna POV }

As I followed my father, MY REAL FATHER !, to his home office I wonder what I should say and how they would react. I wonder if they'll cry of happiness because of getting me back. I wouldn't want them to cry even though I would probably cry if happiness. I think of all the questions I want to ask them. Did they miss me? Did the think of me every night like I did of them? Did they pray for me like I did for them ? Did my siblings know of me and where they waiting for me to return ? As questions just kept on filling my mind a stray thought appears on the back of my head , 'If they were this rich they could have found me right? Wait... what am i thinking? of course they wanted to find me, they must have had a reason. Yeah that's right they must have had a reason. They couldn't have just abandoned me right.....'

I shake my head to rid myself of the negative thoughts and look ahead with a determined look in my face, but an uneasy feeling sets in my heart as I recall their expression turn cold after seeing me.

" So, Who are you and what do you want?" Kazuya asks and I feel a dull ache in my heart because they didn't recognize me. Overwhelmed by my nervousness, I stutter out, " papa a...a..and mama?" as I finish I see my mother walk towards me and my heart rises in anticipation and think, 'Will she hug me? Will she kiss me?' But my whole world comes down when I feel a sudden sharp pain on my cheek. I stood there stunned and tears welling up in my eyes, not because of the physical pain but rather because of my broken heart. She looks at me coldly and asks, "HOW DARE YOU CALL US WHAT OUR CHILDREN CALL US WITH YOUR DIRTY MOUTH?"

She grabs on and yanks my hair and continues, " You were trouble the moment you were born, only causing us pain and suffering. You were born only for our public image. Just imagine the all the sympathetic fools who were ready to help us because 'Our newborn baby girl was no longer there.'. you were born to be used and then destined to be thrown away, you are just a PATHETIC little existence that no one cares about." she let's go of my hair and says to Sabastian, "Throw her out, don't bother sending her to the orphanage just throw her out the gates." Sebastian gives a curt nod and bow and grabs my hand and drags me out and throws me out the gates and said, "Stay away from here or next time you won't be let off with something like a lecture." while he looked at me with cruel eyes.

Slowly getting up with tears streaming down my face I slowly walk away. I wander around in sorrow and began to think, ' be used huh? A pathetic existence.....i... is that what I am?' Soon it starts raining and I notice that I'm lost. I take shelter in an alley and put a box i found laying around on my head to shield my head from the rain. A few days later the police found me in the alleyway with a high fever and hollow stomach.

Its been about an year since I saw my 'Parents', after the police found me the took me to the hospital and then back to my orphanage. I barely talked to anyone and keep to myself in a corner somewhere... after all I'm just a pathetic existence who was destined to be thrown away.

As the years pass I soon became 16 years old and got out of the orphanage. I started working part-time jobs and was able to afford a small studio apartment. I had a scholarship at school. I was always bullied as others thought that I didn't interact with them because I thought that I was too good for them while the actual reason was exactly it's opposite .I soon graduated from High school and entered a public college with my scholarship funds. Then one day while walking back to my apartment i saw a little girl skipping on the zebra crossing and a truck rushing to her...well we all know what happened next don't we.


A/N : Next chap coming soon.