{ Haruna POV }
My plan was quite a simple one, but an effective one nonetheless. I had the advantages like the element of surprise as they would never expect me, their dear beloved puppet to attack them, 'The researchers were easy prey as they were quite weak, so I will first kill the two Jonin leading us the make quick work of the researchers.' I thought to myself as I walked through the hallway of the facility towards the exit. As we reached the door that looked like a bunker door, the Jonin pushes it open and for the first time in this second life of mine, my eye filled with sunlight.
When my eye grew adjusted to the bright light I could see that the entrance to the old facility was hidden in a forest. While walking I disperse my chakra in a circular way around me in regular intervals and get feedback from it, it was kind of like echolocation but more effective as I could practically see everything around me in a 950 meter radius, rather than sense something approaching.
After I made sure that we weren't being followed by someone in secret like the Anbu or Root. By now I was sure that Danzo and probably the 3rd Hokage was in on this....plan. After about 20 minutes of walking I decided that it was time to attack and in one smooth movement I used the weights bound on my legs to hit both the Jonin applying different forces on each leg as I didn't want kill them both, I needed information before carrying out the rest of the plan. One Jonin instantly dies as I kicked with enough force to snap his neck and the other was knocked out. I kill 6 of the seven researchers and leave the last one alive. Coincidentally the one I left alive was the researcher who used to be in charge of breaking me, both physically and mentally. I knock him out and seperate the dead bodies and the two knocked out people to different sides. I start by looting the dead bodies and find a lot of good things like some kunai, shuriken, a few thousand ryou (money), two storage seals, a tanto, a few explosive tags and a few small boxes which contained research material about me etc.
I ran my chakra through the storage seal and find some food rations which I gobble up immediately and then too one of the Jonin's dress which was oversized but better than the rags I had on, then I took his shinobi belt and stored everything inside the belt and store the boxes containing my documents in a storage seal. Then I move to the two people who were knocked out and use the tanto and make cuts on both their ankles and cut off both their arms and bandage them with cloth from the dead bodies and then as I read in a fan-fic in my past life gather chakra in my mouth and mould it with my spit and then spit out a decent amount of water. During this I also note that jutsu can be used without hand signs as long as we can understand, visualise and mould chakra on our own or its just because of the wishes from nero . The water wakes up the two and I smirk at them in an evil way, causing the researcher to tremble with wide eyes as he realizes that he can't move and both his arms are cut off, what not only surprised me but also gave me great joy was the other Jonin's reaction. My smirk widens as I stare at the guy's eyes which had blood red irises with three tomoe glaring at me. Noticing that he tried to catch me in a genjutsu but probably wasn't enough to trap me(jinchuriki are harder to cast genjutsu on) and then proceed to torture and extract the information from them. After I got all the information I needed I killed them and also extracted the Uchiha's eyes and store them in a seal.
A/N : Gave her a sharingan on a whim 🤷.