{ Haruna POV }
As i felt my clones memories come to me I slow down my speed and look back towards Konoha with a new resolve set in my heart. I continue running while estimating the distance between me and the village. It was evening now as my clone had spent most of the day walking around Konoha taking in its terrain and infrastructure. I did this for two reasons, one to pass time as I wanted to put some distance between me and the village so they wouldn't catch me so easily and two because I knew that in the future I couldn't just show up and try destroy everything so I had to make a plan and so as a precaution I took note of many places where the security was low and was easily accessible.
'It wont be long before they find out.' I think to myself. Now that I had shown myself to Kushina, I wont be long before Minato and the others know.
( A few hours later )
I stop running and close my eyes as I feel my clones's memories come to me. 'Hmm... Minato looks pretty frustrated.' I giggle and think to myself. Even though they now know that I escaped there isn't much they can do about it. I'm quite confident in my skills to know that they had very low chances of tracking me. If I'm correct it should take me about 4-5 days to reach Uzushio and maybe a day more to cross the sea. Now that the Uzumaki are gone the seals that hid Uzushio shouldn't be active so It shouldn't be much of a problem for me to get there.
(A/n: World map - https://www.deviantart.com/bombergerja/art/Elemental-Nations-Map-Naruto-487970282 )
Four days pass by and I've finally reached the sea. The last four days all I ever did was run for the most part and stopping only for two or three hours a day to eat. Taking a deep breath I take in the slightly salty air and give out a soft sigh. I walk up yo the shore and slowly start walking on the water.
During my training they had made me train hard on chakra control starting with the leaf excercise and then the tree climbing and water walking. Having started chakra control training at an early age and adding in my natural chakra control talent I have better chakra control than even Sasuke who had one the best chakra control in all of naruto. Soon I start picking up the pace and am sprinting towards Uzushio.
{ Minato POV } (A Few Days Ago)
'FUCK.FUCK.FUCK.' I cursed inwardly.
Losing the 'Weapon' was a big loss for the village. Not only was it the perfect killing machine but also a Jinchuriki. If word got out that Konoha lost it's Jinchuriki there'll be a big commotion. 'The Anbu I sent has yet to return and Kushina is still shaken up by the encounter.' I think to myself.
Suddenly my secretary knocks on my door and informs me that the council had assembled. I heave out a big sigh and motion to her to let them in as I brace myself for the shit storm headed my way.
{ Haruna POV }
After half a day of running non stop I've finally reached Uzu. Reaching the outskirts of the village I look around and see the ruins of what once used to be one of the most powerful villages in the world. Even though it was all destroyed and now with vegetation growing in them one could say from a glance that Uzu was without a doubt one of the most advanced villages. their buildings and remains of the water system and the sewage were all much more advanced than that of Konoha.
After wandering around the village for a while I explore the deeper parts if the village and finally reach a large compound with the words 'Uzumaki' on a board on the ground. I walk around the compound and reach the palace where the Uzumaki royal family lived.
After scouring the destroyed yet still beautiful palace for a few hours I've only got very fee resources, mainly because the villages had most probably sent other shinobi to loot the remains of the once great village. Going deeper into the palace I send pulses of my chakra to try and sense for any abnormalities in any of the deeper floors I had came to.
While searching for any abnormalities I finally come across a seal in one of the broken statues near the pillars inside the floor. After fiddling around with the seal for some time I couldn't get the seal to activate. After thinking for a while I bit my thumb and smeared my blood infused with my chakra into the seal and it suddenly produced a blinding light and then a sudden sensation came to me as I felt as if I was suddenly thrown hundreds of metres in the air. My stomach lurched as I found myself in a carpeted floor and began throwing up and a sudden dizziness came over me as I lost consciousness.
A/N : Yo! its been a while since I last updated but I think I now have a pretty clear idea on where to go with the story.😅