4 letter word

Brings you pain or pleasure.

Brings you sadness or happiness.

Brings you together or breaks you apart.

Beauty that you can never measure.

Brings carelessness.

Can make you nonchalant.

Best feeling you can have besides sex.

Brings kisses to the neck.

Brings about a drum solo in your chest.

Brings what's left.

Brings emptiness.

Brings weakness.

Brings jealousy.

Brings misery.

Brings stupidity.

Brings lies.

Brings knives .

Brings blindness.

Brings deafness.

Brings tears to your eyes.

Don't try to deny.

We cry for it, we die for it, we destroy ourselves just for the sake of having it, we make promises that we can't accomplish or won't reach, we get depressed because of it, we don't open up because of it. Yet we desire it.

We try and try to show people that we can feel it.

We try and try to build ourselves with the same thing that broke us.

We try and try to find it in someone by watching movies, listening to music and jumping from one person to another.

We try and try to think that we understand it but we don't.

We try and try to be one with it.

We try and try.

We try and try.

We cry and die.

We try and try with no idea of what we are doing by using our "experiences."

We try and try to understand it by getting views from other people who have experienced the same thing or people who seem to "get it together."

We try and try to stay away from it like the thorns of a rose but yet we go for it.

We try and try to forget that we once felt it.

We try and try

We try and try for it to last forever.

At least we try.
