Going through my "work" and what I've noticed is that I crave love more than money, more than family, more than good grades, more than anything in the world.
I woke up from a nap and I dreamt about a beautiful lady that I know but afraid to be with even if she tries her best to be in a relationship with me. Into something greater but the issues I have is stopping that spark to grow. Before I woke up the last words she said was "If we don't get married, you'll lose me forever."
Those words mean a lot to me, maybe there's someone out there experiencing the same thing and as fucked up as I am and not seeing the true beauty that's in front of you but trying to see afar.
This feeling of lusting for love, I can't believe how much space it takes up in my head. Constantly, over and over, each and every day is that same story. It's frustrating and the worst thing about it is that I can't even talk about it. It's not that I don't want to (okay partly) it's been the same hurting story that I don't want to talk about anymore. It all ends the same.
Probably I'm the common denominator
-@MellowSoul 🥀