Chapter 31

A/N: Sorry🙇🙇🙇 about the delay. I had problem with my laptop where I had written the rest of the chapters.

so please bear with me as I have to rewrite it.

follow me on:


After he was done, he teleports back to the village. When he came, the battle had already concluded. The whole village was in chaos a lot of the building were destroyed but the death rate was low as Ryu clones saved a lot of people using their flying thunder technique.

Ryu clone collected the chakra of the one tail as gamabunta cut off his arm it was too good of an offer to rejects a clone nearby sealed the arm

Later on, it was announced that the third hokage and Danzo had died during the attack. Ryu didn't save the third hokage as he felt that he was too old dying would be a form of release for him.

The was a funeral for both of them. after that it was decided that tsunade was going to be the hokage and Naruto and Jiraya were sent to get her back.




In the entrance of the village two men wearing black cloth with a red cloud like design and a straw hat walk towards the village. It was itachi and kisame using itachi's prior experience they infiltrate the village. They were still spotted by Kakashi who sends Asuma and Kureni after them.

After itachi reviled himself, they engage in a brief fight where Asuma and Kureni were on the losing side till Kakashi came.

Although Kakashi has gotten stronger he still wasn't a match for itachi's Tsukuyomi. Itachi and kisame decided to retreat when Guy appeared.

Sasuke heard about itachi coming to the village, he quickly rushes after him. At the same time Itachi and kisame track down Naruto and Jiraya to a hotel.

After distracting Jiraya they walk to the room where Naruto was

"Who is there?" Naruto said as he opened the door

Itachi stood in front of the door looking at Naruto.

"Uzumaki Naruto come with us." Itachi said.

Naruto asked in panic as he recognizes the Sharingan.

'NARUTO GET OUT OF HERE YOU'RE NOT MATCH FOR THEM' Kurama tells Naruto from inside his mind.

Believing Kurama Naruto plans to make a run for it.

"Nii-san!!" a voice came before Naruto could do that.

"It's been a while" itachi said without looking back.

Sasuke who was taking deep breathes after run the whole way there was standing with his Sharingan on.

"I thought you were the only Uchiha left?" kisame said look at sasuke who had his Sharingan on.

"That is my little brother"

"Nii-san come back to the village don't let that man control you anymore" Sasuke shouted

"So that is what Ryu has been telling you" said as he looks at his younger brother.

"I guess I will have to drag you back like Ryu-nii said" seeing him not saying anything a chidori starts to form on his hands as he charges at itachi.

Itachi easily deflects it as he grabs his wrist "your weak" he said breaking his wrist

"Ahhh!!" sasuke screams in pain

before itachi could attack him again sasuke suddenly disappears from his hand.

"Don't you think that a bit too much itachi he is your favorite brother after all" Ryu said as he stood in front of itachi while holding the injured sasuke.

"Ryu" itachi said

"Long time no see" Ryu said as he drops sasuke down "I heard you were around so I came to say hello and to bring this little one back"

"I see there is a party going on why don't you let me join" Jiraya came from the back holding a woman across his shoulder.

"Kisame let retreat" See they have been cornered they decide to retreat. They jump through the hole that the chidori made.

"Aren't you going to stop them? Jiraya asked Ryu

"Nah that isn't my mission"

"Ryu-nii... am still weak I want more power so I can bring nii-san back" sasuke said to Ryu

"It's alright let's go back to the village first" Ryu patted his head

"Prevy sage, Naruto we will be going first. good luck on bringing the new hokage back" said to them as he disappeared in a flash.

Back in the village, Ryu drops sasuke back in his house where his mother was worried sick about him. Ryu quickly goes to take a mission.

As the damaged caused by the attack was very much most of the Jonins in the village were busy taking up missions to pay up for the damage.




Like that few weeks pasted. Sasuke was training himself to the limit as he wanted to get stronger by any means. Ryu didn't try to stop him as he wanted like that, he wanted him to go with Orochimaru.

Ryu was taking a break from his mission as he has been taking them non-stop. Standing on the walls of the village. Ryu fell Naruto and Jiraiya's chakra from a distance with them was another charka next to them.

"They are finally back" Ryu said as he rushed to the gate.

Reaching the gate there was already a commotion happening. There he sees Naruto and Jiraya behind them were two ladies.

"I really can't understand how they are so big" Ryu said as he looks at the enormous chest of the blonde woman in front of him. The person was the new hokage Senju Tsunade.

Although Ryu wasn't a pervert, he was still a guy so it was normal for him to be attracted to them. The woman turns as she felt someone looking at her.

Tsunade turns back to look at Ryu who was still lost in thought while looking at her chest. She became pissed at the way he was steering at them

"What are you looking you pervert!!!?" She said in an angry voice as she suddenly grabs the pig that the blacked haired woman was hold throwing it at a very fast speed.

"Tonton!!!" the black-hair shouted.

Awoken by the commotion Ryu sees a pig flying at him. He puts his hand to stop it but was pushed back by the force.

"Ryu I never knew you had it in you… I'm so proud" Jiraya said with a proud face

Ryu was confused as he didn't understand what he was talking about but when he saw tsunade's angry expression he quickly apologized.

"Sorry about that I was just lost in thought" Ryu said with an awkward smile.

"welcome to the dark side" Jiraya wasn't making it better.

it took some time to get tsunade to forgive him as he doesn't want the new hokage to have a bad impression on him.