Chapter 20

As for Qian Yu, he sighed in relief as he didn't get burned to a crisp. After seeing what happened to Li Yi, he quickly realized Bai Jia's cultivation method seemed to be related to water or something similar to it.

Beforehand, she never told him anything about the cultivation technique, so he was always curious. "Sister Bai, was that your family's legendary grade cultivation technique?" he asked earnestly.

"Mhm," she replied while eating.

"Since you don't have access to the Ice Sutra right now, does that mean you're cultivating something else right now?" he continued digging for information.

"Yea, it's a legendary grade, don't bother asking about it, it's a secret," she winked at him.

Qian Yu was speechless. She read him like a book…

Finishing the meal, Qian Yu asked, "Do you have any idea what we should do?"

"Hmm, we can go around and look at a museum or something. You should rest up early today anyways for tomorrow," Bai Jia replied.

"Ok, let's go with that then," Qian Yu said. 'A museum is kinda romantic right…?' he persuaded himself.

After going around town for the next couple hours, Qian Yu separated from Bai Jia as he headed back to where everybody was staying before sleeping early.


Next morning, Qian Yu and the rest of the disciples in the 10 groups were standing outside the hotel that their sect had rented out for a few days. Looking around, Qian Yu saw that he did not know the other disciples' team leaders outside of Zhao Xieren, Zhao Xun, and Lang Mei.

Looking at the other 7, he realized that 2 of them had the same sect robe as Zhao Xieren's brother who was a core disciple. He had completely forgotten about the possibilities of new core disciples being in the hunt. Additionally, it looked like Lang Mei was very close with one of two core disciples who looked as young as Qian Yu himself.

Smiling wryly, he thought about Lang Mei's plan last time at the restaurant before sighing. 'Hopefully, she wouldn't plot anything this time around,' Qian Yu thought.

After everyone was gathered, they soon departed towards the designated meeting place outside the Royal Ice Woodlands. Half an hour later, they arrived at and entered a large building and Qian Yu soon saw the disciples of the two other sects as well before his gaze stopped on a familiar guy he met yesterday.

Li Yi was currently standing at the front of the disciples of the Fire Sword Sect. Unlike his playboy demeanor yesterday, he eluded a very serious face today which Qian Yu didn't expect. Luckily, he wouldn't notice Qian Yu who was randomly in the middle of the outer disciples from the Ice Arts Sect group.

As for the other group of disciples, they were from the Mountain Crushing Sect. Sighing in relief, he discovered that his early conjecture was correct. Indeed, all the disciples he saw there were large, bulky, muscular men that fought with a staff or their fists.

At that moment, a large bell rang out and all the disciples became immediately quiet. Staring at the podium, a man soon appeared. Some of the disciples including most of the inner and core disciples suddenly had a change in their face as they did a small bow seeing the man. As soon as they did that, the outer disciples followed suit.

"Hello disciples of the three great sects of our glorious nation. My name is Xia Shuren, the current crown prince of the Xia Empire and I will be overlooking this year's event. Today marks the beginning of a glorious 2 week tradition our nation has had for hundreds of years. Many of you guys are young talents. I wish the best of luck to all of you," he said charismatically before stepping down as everyone started applauding.

A minister took up his position and then proceeded to explain the rules that Qian Yu had already learned from Zhao Xieren. There were some more minor details that he announced but nothing new that was too important. Soon after he finished, all the disciples were given a small jade bracelet before being brought to their respective teleportation formation.

Arriving at the teleportation, each group of 11 was checked for any extra belongings besides their weapons before entering the formation. After being checked, each disciple was given a backpack with basic necessities like a sleeping bag and some food. As the first group entered into the large circle, the overseeing personnel started channeling their qi together for a few seconds before a bright flash appeared in front of Qian Yu.

Finally, it was their turn to be teleported. Zhao Xieren led the group into the formation and after a few seconds, their vision blurred before turning clear. Opening his eyes, the building was no longer in front of them. Instead, endless white and trees appeared. The winter hunt had started.

Meanwhile, on a mountain just outside the forest, many tents could be seen. In the largest tent, a man in imperial robes was chatting with three other men who were wearing a white, red, and brown robes. They were none other than the Xia Emperor and the three sect masters.

"Ok, how much are you guys betting this year?" the Xia Emperor laughed as he looked at the formation showing the scores of the disciples which were all currently 0.


In some other smaller tents, some elders were cultivating while others were relaxing and enjoying their break from the sect.

In one of these tents, Bai Jia, looked towards the forest silently. She had been assigned to be one of the elders that would bring back the disciples if needed or in case there was an emergency. Knowing that Qian Yu would be participating she didn't mind going as it was a good chance for her to complete her own matters and take a vacation as well.

Staring into the distance she murmured, 'Stay safe.'


Unbeknownst to anyone, the moment Qian Yu was teleported into the forest, deep inside a ravine, the wisp of a remnant soul woke up from slumber. 'The successor has finally arrived haha…' it laughed quietly as it stared into the distance.

At the same time, a black portal silently opened as a woman in a black dress fell out of the portal. She had bloody scars throughout her body as she coughed blood. Noticing the icy barren snow fields around her, she cursed, "Where the fuck am I?"

Of course, no one answered her and mustering the remainder of her energy, she summoned a black object that shot forward into the closest mountain creating a small hole. After entering the hole, her body fell down as she lost consciousness.