Chapter 31

When Qian Yu regained consciousness, the one thing he was most excited about was the cultivation technique. It was a legendary graded technique at the apex of cultivation and since he was in the qi gathering realm now, he could practice it now. Feeling his impatience, Bai Jia knew not to take up too much time and swiftly left him alone.

As he closed his eyes and cleared his mind, the imprinted cultivation technique appeared in his mind. As he focused his will on it, the cultivation technique began to operate as lines of words appeared in his consciousness.

"Heaven's Punishment – Annihilating Lightning," the title of the technique read out.

'Heaven's punishment hmm? Truly it sounds impressive,' Qian Yu couldn't hold in his excitement as a smile appeared on his face.

"Harnessing the power of the heavens, punish your enemies with the heaven's might, lightning.

Heaven represents yang.

Punishment represents yin.

Using Yang, gain heaven's authority

Using Yin, create and execute heaven's punishment

Combining Yang and Yin, that is the essence of Heaven Punishment – Annihilating Lightning"

'Hmm, heaven is yang while punishment or lightning is yin?' Qian Yu pondered.

'Combining Yang and Yin… using yin, create…?' Qian Yu continued thinking.

After a few minutes, he came to a conclusion.

'As a male, I only have yang qi. But I need yin qi as well so...' Qian Yu almost yelled out loud as he realized what the technique required. That old Martial Emperor was truly correct. 'How could any male not like this unless they were uhm… ahem,' Qian Yu stopped thinking further on that train of thought.

Then he continued thinking, 'There are two types of sexual cultivation techniques. If it was a male, it required the male to exhaust his yang qi to cultivate or it required the male to absorb yin qi. If it was a female, it would be the opposite where they need to exhaust their yin qi or absorb yang qi. In this technique, it looks like I just need yin qi in order to efficiently cultivate and strengthen his lightning with it. In other words, it's not only limited to females. Essentially, areas with yin qi or treasures with yin qi or something are good too. However, that isn't easy to find.'

Following that, Qian Yu proceeded to look over the rest of the scripture before he started cultivating. For new qi gathering realm fighters, they would need to slowly learn to feel the qi in the world before integrating it with themselves.

'Relax and calm down,' Qian Yu thought to himself as he started his adventure in the qi gathering realm. After a few hours, Qian Yu finally was able to complete a cycle of gathering, purifying, and circulating of qi.

'Alright, I should compare it with the Ice Manipulation technique to test out the sexual cultivation technique hypothesis' Qian Yu went to the next step. Without yin qi, Qian Yu couldn't effectively cultivate "Heaven's Punishment – Annihilating Lightning", or this was what Qian Yu believed.

Silently time passed and soon, Qian Yu opened his eyes again.

'They are both about the same. In other words, it indeed is true that I need Yin Qi,' Qian Yu finished his final assessment. A heaven grade cultivation technique would obviously be at the highest tier for efficiency. Since the two had the same speed currently, it obviously meant that Qian Yu wasn't using the technique at its max potential due to the lack of yin qi.

Getting out of bed, Qian Yu felt refreshed and went to look for Bai Jia who was currently making some food.

"Hehe, it has been so long since I've eaten Sister Bai's food," Qian Yu laughed as he sat down at the table.

"I'll be done soon," Bai Jia said as she focused on cooking.

Staring at her, who was wearing a dress, Qian Yu couldn't help but be mesmerized as he felt his lower half stir. 'Did she grow prettier?' Qian Yu thought as he tried to calm himself down.

"Alright let's eat," Bai Jia brought out the food. Happily the two ate the meal and chatted.


A week flew by and Qian Yu and Bai Jia had returned to the sect. Over the last week, Qian Yu had spent his time having fun and flirting with Bai Jia or cultivating as they traveled back to the Ice Arts Sect.

As he grew more accustomed to the new changes however, he realized a change in him.

After spending days with the beauty next to him, he realized that it was harder for him to control his sexual needs. Qian Yu wasn't sure if it was due to the heavenly constitution or the cultivation technique, or even a combination of the two that affected his psychology. During the trip back home, he finally made an important decision for the future.

Upon returning to the sect, Qian Yu went to look for his friends to say goodbye to them as he told them his plans. Seeing that Qian Yu was still alive and doing well, Wu Jing and Chen Ya were already happy and didn't ask too much about his specifics. He didn't tell him that he was already in the qi gathering stage and just made up some excuses. Finally, he went to the mission center of the sect to look for missions to amass sect points.

As he was a qi gathering disciple with a lot of potential, he could naturally become an inner disciple. It was just that he was lacking contribution points and taking missions to stay outside the sect was in his interest anyways.

Since he was cultivating a legendary grade cultivation technique, Qian Yu didn't want to be confined in the sect and staying outside was without a doubt safer and secretive. Of course, the biggest issue was finding a source of yin qi. It was obviously hard to find someone that would open her legs for him inside the sect while being decently talented.

Elder Li was currently working on some affairs in the mission center when he spotted a young man walk into the building. With a glance he could feel a little bit of qi from him as he did his best to remember who Qian Yu was.

"Disciple greets Elder Li. I would like to see if there are any missions that I can take to acquire contributions and become an inner court disciple," Qian Yu said as he handed Elder Li his identification card.

Elder Li took the card and went into another room. After a couple minutes, he said, "Good job on training diligently. You haven't been here long and you have already entered the qi gathering stage. However, you don't have many contributions and you will either need to take up a lot of short missions or a long mission that can last for months. Which ones do you prefer?"

"I will take a long mission if possible," Qian Yu had hoped he could be away for a long time and this was exactly what he needed. This way, he would have a lot more freedom and can act like a rogue cultivator.

Elder Li gave Qian Yu a list and he chose a mission that had a good pay and was something he was interested in. Before he left, however, Elder Li said something, "The sect is supposed to reward you a spirit stone for your success in the winter hunt, so here it is."

Qian Yu had completely forgotten about the rewards of the hunt. While they were eliminated early, it seemed like they had enough points to stay in the top 10 and there were of course rewards. Accepting the reward, he left the mission center.

Finally, there was only one last thing to do before he left the sect.

"It's me," Qian Yu knocked on Bai Jia's office door.

"Come in," the door unlocked as Qian Yu walked in.

Qian Yu sighed as leaving the sect would mean he wouldn't be able to see Bai Jia anymore. He had obviously thought of asking her but he couldn't bring himself to. Truth be told, he was simply scared, unsure of how she would react and treat him. They were two people of different standards after all. He was a nobody at the moment. He wasn't confident in himself or his power, but through this journey, he hoped to change that.

Eating one last meal together, Qian Yu departed from the sect with his belongings.

"Stay safe!" Bai Jia waved at Qian Yu who had left the gates of the sect.

"Hehe, don't worry!" Qian Yu yelled back.

As Bai Jia saw him off, she similarly remembered her own adventure she took just a couple years ago. After a few seconds, a smile appeared as she whispered, "I'll be waiting for you."

A few days passed and Qian Yu was in front of a grave in Riverside Village. "Grandpa, I'm off now," Qian Yu said out loud as he bowed in front of the grave.

[End of Volume 1]

Author's Note: Hey all, hope you guys have been staying safe :) . Well this was the end of the first volume or prologue I guess, and I hope everyone has enjoyed the story so far. I know that many of you guys were anticipating the development of the relationship between the two (three for you black dress lady fans) heroines in this first part of the story. While it is a fantasy novel, I still want to abide by logical rules and thought processes and currently, Qian Yu is just too weak in terms of power and status.

As such, the next volume will focus on his first adventure as a rogue cultivator and the people he will meet outside a sect environment. I have written a decent amount of chapters for this volume already but to be honest, I am not sure how long it will end up being. As such, I want to know what you guys feel about this so PLEASE comment anything you would like to say. Thanks!