Chapter 39

After Qian Yu and Sun Hong arrived on the 2nd floor, the two quickly got to work.

Walking along, Qian Yu felt that Sun Hong was walking pretty slow and was wondering if something was up.

"You are not bad," she said as she stopped walking.

Hearing her compliment, Qian Yu stopped before laughing, "Haha, thank you." For this girl, he was unable to see her facial features and her tone always lacked any emotion so he couldn't really discern anything from her. Truly, he didn't expect her to say such a thing.

After he said that, he reached where she stood and the two started moving forward again. Unlike before however, Qian Yu was walking side by side with Sun Hong. As they continued forward, time passed by pretty slowly and Qian Yu tried to talk with Sun Hong about random things that weren't too personal. At first, it was merely Qian Yu blabbering, but soon, Sun Hong started talking and time passed by quicker as they searched for the next door.

They continued walking and searching for the door as time passed. 5 hours later, they found the door to the 3rd floor and Qian Yu was able to dispatch the spiritual beast without Sun Hong's help. They had met another group on the way here but they didn't fight because it would waste time that could be used looking for the door.

Again, they walked around the maze and after 9 hours, they found the door to the 4th floor.

*Boom!* the spiritual beast fell down as a tired Qian Yu sat down on the ground. The spiritual beast he had fought just now was a spiritual beast at the peak of the common grade and it had taken him a whole 20 minutes to finally defeat it.

"We'll take a few hours to rest and get ready for tomorrow," Sun Hong said as she sat down and started cultivating. Qian Yu knew that he was in no place to disagree and took out some rations to eat before he started to cultivate.

A few hours passed and the two stopped cultivating as they looked at each other. At the same time, they started talking.

"We need a-"

"Let's change-"

"You can go first. I think we have the same plan anyways," Qian Yu said as he let Sun Hong talk first.

"Mmm. From now on, we should eliminate the other groups we'll see," she said.

Nodding his head in agreement, Qian Yu said, "Yea, the other groups will most likely do the same." In the beginning, everybody thought that the system was a race against time. However, it took longer to find a door to the next floor every time you ascended a floor. Even if you were unlucky, there was one safe thing to do! Eliminate the others! If you did that, then it didn't matter how long it took you to find the next door.

Without further discussion, the two continued onwards in hopes of finding a door. After an hour, they finally met another pair of cultivators who were both sect cultivators with the same yellow robes.

"Senior brother, we finally found some enemies. Hmph, they are mere rogue cultivators," a young girl laughingly said as she stared at the handsome senior brother.

"Mhm, let's get rid of them quickly so we can find the next door," the guy said confidently.

On the other side, Qian Yu had mixed feelings. On one side, he was confident in Sun Hong's capability to fight the man but he didn't know how strong the girl was.

"Are they strong?" Qian Yu asked Sun Hong quietly

Shaking her head, she confidently answered, "No, the guy is only at the early soul foundation stage while the girl is at the 6th stage of the qi gathering. I will end it fast."

Hearing her words, Qian Yu sighed in relief before he started anticipating seeing how strong Sun Hong was. While he didn't know her exact age, she was one step from being a Martial Fighter which was how strong Bai Jia was.

However, what he saw next shocked him. With a dash, Qian Yu could feel immense amounts of qi bursting from her as she dashed quickly at the two cultivators with the great sword still on her back . As she approached closer, she used one of her hands to grab the two handed sword before she took it off the shealth and slashed forward. Vigorous red qi erupted forward from the large sword.

It wasn't fire qi and it didn't feel like the chaotic qi that Qian Yu knew so he wasn't too sure about it. Yet what shocked Qian Yu was her speed and strength. Even though qi would naturally strengthen your body as you grew stronger, his instincts told him it wasn't normal. With one hand, she wielded the heavy two handed sword with such ease and flexibility like she was just using a regular sword! Even though he wasn't sure about the proportions of the girl behind her cloak and robes, her figure didn't look that big and muscular like the men from the Mountain Crushing Sect back home.

On the other hand, the senior brother who was flirting with his junior sister didn't expect such a fast attack and took the attack head on.

*Boooom!* a large explosion resounded out and dust filled the hallway of the maze. After the dust, a crater was seen in the ground. In the middle of it, there was a man on the ground with a large cut slashing across his chest. A broken sword was on the side as there was a girl on the ground a couple feet away in horror as a puddle of liquid was getting larger and larger.

'That was pretty efficient I guess…' Qian Yu thought to himself as he saw what happened. Returning to Qian Yu, Sun Hong quickly said, "Let's go."

The following 9 hours, Sun Hong quickly took care of all the unfortunate souls that met their paths before they found the door to the 4th floor. Entering the door, Qian Yu was greeted with a creature he had fought numerous times in his life.

Looking at the Ice Mountain Tiger, Qian Yu knew that the beasts from now on would no longer be under his control. While he could probably hold his own since it wasn't very smart and strong, defeating it was a different story.

"If we want to hurry, you should take it from here," Qian Yu said.

"Alright, I'll take it from here," Sun Hong said as she went forward and faced the tiger.

As she approached the tiger, the tiger took the initiative as it jumped forward as it tried to slash Sun Hong with its claw. As the attack came, Sun Hong just stood there in place as she grabbed the greatsword with both her hands and took on a defending stance as Qian Yu felt a sudden change in Sun Hong's qi.

The claws soon met the greatsword yet as it did, the aura surrounding Sun Hong erupted. With a large swing, she yelled and countered the attack, throwing the tiger a couple meters into the air. However, that wasn't all as qi erupted from her feet pushing her into the air as she used both her hands to perform the qi-enhanced slash from earlier.

Smashing the head of the tiger, it instantly turned into qi as Sun Hong fell down. Judging from everything so far, Qian Yu knew she wasn't the average rogue cultivator. The strong qi enhancement slash, eruption in qi that boosted her speed, and some sort of counter type skill were the three martial techniques that she had used so far.

As someone in the late stage of soul foundation, it meant that she had mastered the 3rd layer of her cultivation technique already. She hadn't used the skill at the 4th layer yet, but judging from everything he has seen so far, he only had one conclusion. Like him, she cultivated a legendary grade cultivation technique.

After taking a couple hours to rest, the two got up and headed for the higher floors.