Chapter 42

"Junior greets Senior!" Qian Yu and Sun Hong both did a complete bow as they saw the master of the realm. For Qian Yu, it wasn't the first time this happened, and it seemed like Sun Hong had somewhat expected this as well.

The man took a deep breath before saying, "Once again, my name is Liu Wang. Congratulations on making it this far." As he said that, he swept his hands as two rings flew out from his sleeves.

"This is a space storage ring. Just infuse your qi into it for a few minutes and you will gain control of it. You can do it now," he said.

"Yes, Senior," the two agreed before they closed their eyes and focused on the ring given to them. Meanwhile, Liu Wang continued staring at the two as countless memories flashed through his eyes.

A few minutes later, Qian Yu felt an indescribable change and before he knew it, he had successfully gained control of the ring. Doing so, he opened his eyes as he realized that Sun Hong had already finished and was silently waiting.

Seeing that Qian Yu was done, Liu Wang said, "Danger lurks outside," as he waved his hands once again as Qian Yu and Sun Hong disappeared from his vision.

Looking at the space where the two were, his face saddened as he quietly spoke, "Tian Wei. Xue Ru. My mistake had caused the tragedy for you two and even till now, I still feel endless regret. This is all I can do for you two." After a while, he suddenly smiled, "It was truly worth seeing them with my own eyes. You guys have fine successors."

Before he knew it, Qian Yu and Sun Hong saw that they were in another room with a teleportation formation outside. Qian Yu was a little surprised and thought that Liu Wang would talk with them or something similar to what Tian Wei had done but it seemed that wasn't the case.

Focusing on the old man's last words, the two realized what he meant.

"It seems that there are a lot of people waiting outside for us," Qian Yu concluded after hearing what the man had said. Similar to last time, he knew that he would be teleported out into the real world which would cause a disturbance and allow people to find them.

"Mhm, seems that's the case," Sun Hong confirmed Qian Yu's thoughts.

"Any ideas?" Qian Yu asked Sun Hong.

Unfortunately, Qian Yu was out of ideas. After looking into the storage ring, there was only a scroll inside which Qian Yu assumed to be a legendary grade technique which was useless currently. Other than that, the only thing he could use was the Shrouded Cloak artifact which only he could use.

"Yea, I have this," she said as she took out a scroll and showed it to Qian Yu. Seeing it, Qian Yu was confused so she calmly explained, "It is a random teleportation scroll and after you channel your qi into it, it will teleport you randomly. However, there is a chance that once we leave the inheritance realm, the area we get teleport out to will instantly be sealed and the teleport scroll won't work. If that happens, I will try to break out of the sealed area and use the scroll. As for you, you can use the cloak artifact since I'm confident with my own abilities. This is our best bet."

Hearing her plan, Qian Yu took a few minutes to think before agreeing. Like she said, they didn't have many options.

Taking a deep breath, they stepped into the formation.

Meanwhile in the real world, it was nighttime and experts with all different types of robes and clothing were patrolling various areas around the prairie.

Suddenly, one of them felt space distorting nearby as he yelled, "Activate the spatial sealing artifact!" before he and the other experts flew towards the distortion in the forest. In a matter of seconds, the spatial sealing artifact was activated and within a radius of a couple miles, spatial teleportation was sealed.

*Plop!* two people fell out of the portal as they immediately got to work.

"Doesn't work, run!" Sun Hong grimaced as she looked upward and saw an almost transparent dome before she instantly ran towards the edge of the dome.

Hearing it, Qian Yu instantly vanished into the dark as he ran the opposite direction.

"One is heading towards the edge of the dome, the other one disappeared" a Martial Fighter's eyes glowed as he pointed in a direction.

It had only been a couple dozen seconds since Sun Hong started running before her sixth sense told her to instantly dodge to the side.

*Bam!* a large hole was created as a man appeared. The explosion knocked Sun Hong a couple meters back but she was able to immediately get back up and ignored the man.

'Damn it, already!' Sun Hong cursed to herself as she didn't expect to encounter someone mere seconds after being teleported out. Every second counted and she hurriedly ran towards the border.

"Bitch get back here," the man yelled as his aura instantly erupted. Within seconds, he managed to catch up to her as he roared, "Death Fist!"

'Damn it,' Sun Hong thought as she felt the god of death closing in on her. A greatsword appeared in her hand as she summoned it from the storage ring and she instantly performed her counter technique as the fist met it. Yet her intention wasn't to damage the man but to use the force of his punch to propel herself away to escape his chase.

*Clang!* the fist met her sword and she instantly felt herself ram into countless trees behind her as she flew hundreds of feet away from him.

"Smartass," the man cursed as he once again dashed towards her.

Getting up from the ground, Sun Hong coughed out blood as she regained her foothold. Putting the greatsword into the storage ring, she took a deep breath. Suddenly, she felt her strength and speed rise as a red aura surrounded her. Sprinting away, her speed was two times as quick when compared to before. Looking at the distance left, she only needed less than one minute before she would be out of the confines of the spatial sealing artifact.

"Hmph, not bad" the guy saw her suddenly increase in speed and he got even more excited like a hunter hunting its prey. However, he suddenly stopped chasing as he saw a familiar group of Martial Fighters near where Sun Hong was currently at.

Sun Hong turned to look back as she saw that the man had stopped chasing her.

*Whoosh!* She didn't have time to wonder why as her ears heard the whistling of sound as something pierced her thigh instantly destroying the muscle and crushing her left femur bone.

"Hmph, you're done for now!" Sun Hong heard a voice just before another arrow pierced her other leg as she fell down.

'Fuck, just a couple more meters,' she cursed as she stared at the scroll in her hand and the border where the dome ended.

At that moment, she felt a pair of hands pick up her tangled body before they rushed for the last couple of meters.

On the back of the cloaked figure, she heard a quiet voice, "I don't want to regret anything."

Warmth. At that moment, it was the only thing she felt before her vision started blurring out. 'Maybe... he'll see me…normally,' she murmured to herself as she lost consciousness.

"YOU DARE!" the same voice raged as it saw someone interfere and carry Sun Hong on his back.

'Just 2 more seconds!' Qian Yu prayed.

The voice continued, "Yin Arrow of Death" and suddenly, Qian Yu felt the god of death sentence him to death.

*Whoosh!!!* an arrow sounded out as it was aimed directly at the two. Just as Qian Yu's foot stepped past the boundaries of confinement, he felt blood splattered on his neck before the two instantly disappeared.