Chapter 50

Two days later, Qian Yu had arrived at a village a hundred miles or so from the Soba Capital. The Silverhorned Rhino was a spiritual beast with great outer defensive strength. It's hide was pretty strong and its muscle was strong as well but Qian Yu was confident it would be no match for his Lightning Spasm. In a way, it was similar to the internal damaging fist techniques that were pretty strong.

Heading off in the morning, Qian Yu started his way towards the open meadows and clearing inside the nearby forest that the Silverhorned Rhino liked to graze in. A few hours later, Qian Yu saw a large gray rhino with a silver horn currently grazing on some grass.

'Finally!' Qian Yu thought as he started running forward with his spear in his hand before he lunged forward.

"Clank," the spear rammed into the grazing Silverhorned Rhino yet it didn't amount to much as Qian Yu looked at the hide that was perfectly intact still. 'Damn it, these weapons are pretty much useless now,' Qian Yu cursed as he saw it.

"ROARRR" the rhino roared as Qian Yu backed off as the beast immediately stampeded towards him.

However, due to its large size, Qian Yu smirked as he casually dodged to the side. *Whoosh!*

While its defensive abilities were pretty high, it's offensive abilities were pretty weak as it was hard for it to hit a target. Of course, if its horn managed to connect with Qian Yu, he would no doubt be seriously injured. In a way, it was the perfect test subject and punching bag.

Dodging the stampede, Qian Yu didn't bother to use the spear as he put it away into his storage ring. Sprinting forward once again, Qian Yu punched forward. 'Lightning Spasm!' Qian Yu thought as his fist connected.

"Zzzt!" A light bruise could be seen on the hide of the Silverhorned Rhino as it immediately grew enraged. Unlike last time, where it didn't really feel pain, it was different this time as it eyes turned redder and angrier.

Stampeding again, the Silverhorned Rhino rampaged as it continuously ran forward.

*Swoosh* Qian Yu dodged to the side and got ready to launch another attack on the mad beast however, the rhino continued to run as it turned around and headed for Qian Yu again.

'This dumb rhino,' Qian Yu laughed as he prepared to initiate the next part of his plan.

"Yup, keep following me," Qian Yu laughed as he started leading the rhino into the forest.

"Stomp stomp!" the spiritual beast recklessly charged into the forest as Qian Yu managed to easily dodge to the side again before quickly climbing up a tree.

As the Silverhorned Rhino turned around and continued running, it realized it couldn't Qian Yu anymore. Yet before it could do anything, it felt something land on top of its back.

"Thump," Qian Yu landed on top of the rhino as he laid down low and tried to get a grip on the stampeding beast to not fall off. After he had a good grip and a decent amount of balance and control, Qian Yu took a deep breath as he started the new experiment.

Lightning Spasm! Qian Yu once again used Lightning Spasm. Yet it was different this time. When normally using Lightning Spasm, Qian Yu would convert the qi where he touched into chaotic qi before he would electrify it with lightning. This was the essence of Lightning Spasm!

However, what Qian Yu did this time was a little bit different. As his body laid on top of the boar, Qian Yu did what he did against Tao Wei back in the inheritance realm as he applied the first part of Lightning Spasm to his body. Yet what came after that was… completely nothing.

'1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds,' Qian Yu counted. Seconds passed by as nothing happened on the surface. Yet as the seconds passed by, the amount of time Qian Yu had been in contact with the rhino increased while he activated Lightning Spasm.

What did this mean!? As the contact time increased, the amount of chaotic qi would increase as well! Since there was more chaotic qi, the strength of Lightning Spasm would probably increase! Or so Qian Yu assumed anyway.

Still, Qian Yu was still on top of the rhino, which by now, had taken more extreme measures to get Qian Yu off its back. As it felt Qian Yu continue to hang on its body, it ran straight towards a large tree as it attempted to ram into it.

'Let's hope this works,' Qian Yu silently thought as he saw the large tree get closer and closer. By now, a dozen seconds or so had passed and Qian Yu felt it was obviously a lot more generous than the normal contact time when he punched or kicked out.

"Shua!" Qian Yu activated the second half of Lightning Spasm as he electrized and energized the chaotic qi his body was touching. Instantaneously, he felt a large noticeable drop in his qi like he had done dozens of Lightning Spasms before a large explosion occurred.

"Boom!" black clouds appeared as Qian Yu was sent flying away.

"Thud!" Qian Yu hit a tree as he fell downwards.

'Damn that hurt,' Qian Yu cursed as he got back on his feet and looked at what happened. Looking at where the explosion occurred, he saw the Silverhorned Rhino lying lifeless on the ground. On its back, there was a huge chunk of its body missing with blood and pieces of its trunk scattered in the nearby area.

"Holy crap!" Qian Yu muttered as he was still in shock and excitement at the power of Lightning Spasm. Granted he had stayed on top of the rhino for a long time while having a large surface area, he couldn't really predict the extent of the damage.

'Such a strong legendary cultivation technique,' Qian Yu silently thought as he looked at the remains of the uncommon ranked spiritual beast. While the damaging and offensive capabilities of Lightning Spasm was strong, Qian Yu wasn't referring to this. Instead, Qian Yu was referencing the utility and adaptability of the first layer.

Muttering, Qian Yu compared the technique to other legendary cultivation techniques, "So far, there are three ways I can use Lightning Spasm. Firstly, the regular technique is a fast and decently powerful attack that is hard to guard against if the opponent doesn't know it. Secondly, I can only use the first part of the technique to negate projection attacks like Spears of Ice from the Ice Sutra or that Wind Cyclone or whatever which will use up a lot of qi depending on the strength of the enemy's qi. Lastly, I can create a much stronger attack if I increase the surface area and contact time."

"Even Zhao Xieren's first layer technique in her family's technique has two practical applications. Firstly, the regular attack requires her to dash and perform a complex sword dance or something, I think? Other than that, she can just use the dash part of the technique to move around quicker. Meanwhile, the Spears of Ice from the Ice Sutra only has one application really. Of course, the projectile spears have many uses and ranged attacks are much more powerful in combat," at this point, Qian Yu chuckled as he headed towards the dead beast.

Using his spear, he quickly dug out a silverish gray colored beast core before he headed back to the village to rest and prepare to hunt the next spiritual beasts.