Chapter 63

About an hour later, Qian finally saw that Zhen Yue had finished shopping and was back.

"Hello master, I'm sorry it took so long," she quietly whispered.

"Don't worry it's all good," Qian Yu smiled.

"Did something good happen?" Zhen Yue asked as she noticed that Qian Yu was a little happier than normal for some unknown reason.

"Ahh, I just met an acquaintance earlier. Alright let's head back," Qian Yu said as he smiled and looked at Zhen Yue. Before meeting with Zhong Chun, Qian Yu had seen Zhen Yue head into the store that Sun Hong had brought her red lingerie from. As such Qian Yu couldn't help but smile and anticipate as he saw Zhen Yue come back.

"Alright," Zhen Yue nodded as she listened to Qian Yu's plan.

"Oh right, I need to get some food as well," Qian Yu changed his mind as he took a short detour to go get some platters of food from a couple street stalls as a curious Zhen Yue followed him.

Returning to the inn room, Qian Yu placed the platters of food on the ground.

"Master?" Zhen Yue said as she was wondering what Qian Yu was up to.

Qian Yu didn't say anything as a bright light materialized in front of him and a small 4-legged figure appeared in front of him.

'Master! YOU FINALLY BROUGHT FOOD FOR ME!' Tian Xinyi yelled out in Qian Yu's consciousness.

'Yes, I'm sorry you couldn't eat for like a day…' Qian Yu replied to the hungry spiritual beast.

'Hmph, I'll forgive you since you brought so much food today!' she said as she started eating.

'Am I really the master…' Qian Yu shook his head as he watched her eat.

"AHHH! IT'S SO CUTE!" Zhen Yue yelled out excitedly as she saw Tian Xinyi appear before she kneed down and started observing Tian Xinyi while she ate her meal.

"Master, is this your spiritual beast? You are only at the qi gathering realm though, so how is this possible?" Zhen Yue was excited and shocked at the same time.

"Yeah, I don't really know what to say. It made a pact on its own volition and it worked since my soul world is a little unique," Qian Yu answered vaguely.

'Just what other secrets does he have?' Zhen Yue thought as she heard Qian Yu's reply. Still she didn't really care as she started playing with Tian Xinyi who was currently eating.

"Does she have a name?" Zhen Yue asked.

"Her name is Tian Xinyi," Qian Yu answer.

"Aww, Tian Xinyi, you're so cute!" Zhen Yue said as she patted Tian Xinyi and started helping her eat.

'Master, you should be like this girl and fawn over me. She's even feeding me!' Tian Xinyi complained in Qian Yu's head.

"You seemed to be pretty comfortable with spiritual beasts," Qian Yu asked Zhen Yue. Normally, it was fine if these were regular animals like dogs and cats, but this was a different scenario. Even though Tian Xinyi was very small currently, she was still a spiritual beast after all.

"Ahh, yes. My family had regularly trained and nurtured spiritual beasts and it was actually our main source of income to groom spiritual beasts. It's been a long tradition so we have always been close with spiritual beasts. In fact, apparently have a bloodline that runs through our family but it's so minuscule," Zhen Yue said as she continued staring at Tian Xinyi eat.

"Ahh, that's a pretty good marketing- wait. Did you say you have a bloodline?" Qian Yu suddenly exclaimed.

"Huh? Is something wrong master?" Zhen Yue finally returned her attention back to Qian Yu.

"Just… hold on a bit," Qian Yu was flabbergasted as he took some time to think. 'Is this really what that old man meant by fate?' Qian Yu thought to himself.

Taking a few seconds to calm down, Qian Yu said, "I have another gift for you".

"Master, are you always this generous? Although I appreciate it, I think you are spoiling me too much. For example, when you become someone more powerful and stronger, you will naturally have subordinates and what not. You can't always be this generous," Zhen Yue said respectfully.

"No no, this is different. If you get stronger it means I will naturally be stronger," Qian Yu replied as he took out his scroll from his storage ring and gave it to her. 'Besides, I've never gotten a chance to spoil others and you're a special case anyways…' Qian Yu thought in his head.

"Hmm, this is?" Zhen Yue was confused.

"Mmm, just look at it first," Qian Yu said.

"Alright," Zhen Yue nodded as she took the scroll from him, read it, and closed her eyes as she integrated her qi into the scroll to activate it.

In a couple of minutes, the scroll lost all its glamour and became seemingly normal.

Soon, Zhen Yue opened her eyes as wide as possible exclaiming, "T-this is a legendary grade cultivation technique?"

"Yea, it seems perfect for you as well right?" Qian Yu asked.

"Yea, it's kind of crazy…" Zhen Yue admitted.

Silence pervaded the room as the two didn't know what to say. On one hand, Zhen Yue was still trying to come to terms with reality while on the other hand, Qian Yu was wondering about everything that happened so far and the words of the seer.

"Should we take a look at it?" Qian Yu finally broke the silence.

"Ahh yes. Once again, thank you master. I'm sure anyone would sell their soul and body for a legendary grade cultivation technique."

"Ok, stop it with the pleasantries. Let's focus on the cultivation technique and the martial skill," Qian Yu said excitedly.

"Mmm," Zhen Yue nodded as she closed her eyes and started reciting the lines of scripture.

A few hours later, Zhen Yue opened her eyes in excitement saying, "Hmm, it took me a while because the cultivation technique didn't really teach me the martial skill directly. I think the cultivation technique activated something in my bloodline and the martial skill came from the bloodline.

"In a way, the technique will be different depending on the type of bloodline then," Qian Yu pointed out.

Agreeing with him, Zhen Yue excitedly said, "Yeah, I have to say, it's a pretty interesting and unique technique."

"What bloodline do you have though?" Qian Yu asked.

"Hehe, I have the bloodline of the Spiritual Nine Tailed Fox," she answered.