Chapter 65*

Following the sparring session, Qian Yu and Zhen Yue finally returned to their inn.

Currently, Qian Yu was in the bath as he thought about what to do in the following 6 or 7 weeks before going back to the sect.

'Hmm, there's still a while until I can return. I should probably go somewhere and send another report back,' Qian Yu was thinking as he was sitting down inside the bath.

*Click* As he was thinking about what to do, he heard the door to the bathroom open.

"Master, let me help you wash up," Zhen Yue shyly said as she opened the door.

*Cough cough* Qian Yu coughed as he heard her request. "I will thank you in advance then. Come in," he said as he glanced at her, who was only holding a towel covering her front.

"Yes, master," Zhen Yue obliged as she stepped forward and entered the bath and sat down right next to Qian Yu. Being the rich inn it was, the bath was like a large spa that could easily host a couple people.

"P-please turn your back towards me," Zhen Yue said after she got into the bath.

"Alright," Qian Yu agreed as he turned his body to the side.

As he turned his back, Qian Yu felt a pair of hands touch his body before the small but delicate fingers slowly glided across his shoulder and back applying the soap.

Yet a few seconds later, Zhen Yue removed her hands from Qian Yu's back, and replacing them, Qian Yu felt two pointy objects touch his back followed by a soft mound of flesh.

"Ahh," Qian Yu felt an electric current flow through his body as he felt Zhen Yue's breasts on his back while his little brother woke up from slumber.

"Swish," Zhen Yue started moving up and down, dragging her breasts across Qian Yu's back and causing his little brother to stand mightier than ever.

As she did, she said, "Master, I'm still shocked about the legendary grade cultivation technique. I-I'll make sure to get better at my duties."

"Like I said, it's fine. The cultivation technique was useless to me since I don't have a bloodline anyways. As for your duties… you can slowly improve," Qian Yu replied as he concentrated on the feeling of Zhen Yue's soft breasts.

As soon as Qian Yu finished talking however, he felt Zhen Yue's hand grab his little brother with her delicate hands before giving it a few strokes.

"Ahh, it's even warmer than the bath water," Zhen Yue said after she stroked it a few times.

"How about you clean the front now," Qian Yu suggested as his little brother became more uncontrollably excited from the few strokes.

"Ahh, yes please sit on the railing then," Zhen Yue agreed.

Nodding his head, Qian Yu didn't say anything as he stood up from the bath and sat on the railing of the bath, showing Zhen Yue full view of his mighty staff.

*Gulp* Zhen Yue swallowed before she quietly muttered, "Was it this big last time?"

Moving herself in between his legs, she straightened her back as she got to work. Moving the few dangling strands of hair in front of her face behind her ears with one hand, she brought her mouth down and stuck out her tongue licking Qian Yu's rod.

"It's like I'm eating sticky candy as a child again hehe!" Zhen Yue said after she licked it.

"Ahhhh," Qian Yu let out another sigh of pleasure as he felt a slimy object slide past his little brother.

*Lick lick* Zhen Yue gave a couple more licks before she finally opened her mouth and gobbled the mighty staff.

"Ohh that feels great!" Qian Yu said as he felt himself enter Zhen Yue's mouth.

"E'mm gladd it feels nwice" Zhen Yue struggled to talk with such a large object in her mouth. After saying so, she started getting to work in making Qian Yu come.

*Slurp… lick... slurp… lick* Zhen Yue started bobbing her head up and down as her tongue got to work licking the staff that was in her mouth.

"You're already getting better!" Qian Yu looked downwards at Zhen Yue and complimented her as he watched Zhen Yue's mouth clean the shaft. It was obvious that she had put some thought into her technique and Qian Yu couldn't help but be happy for it. Still while she did come up with a better plan, it was only her 2nd time using her mouth and it could easily be improved.

*Slurp* "Twank yu," *lick* Zhen Yue said as she was still uncomfortable talking with Qian Yu's rod in her mouth.

'Ughh, it's getting close,' Qian Yu started feeling something coming as Zhen Yue continued her attack on him.

'It seems I'm still not good enough. Looks like I will have to resort to that,' Zhen Yue thought on the other hand as she didn't know Qian Yu's current state.

Stopping her movements she removed her mouth as she inched closer putting the glorious staff in front of her chest.

'Why did she stop? Just a little more!' Qian Yu cried out inwardly as he looked down at her confused.

Yet what happened next was completely out of Qian Yu's mind. Using her hands, Zhen Yue grabbed her two bunnies and wrapped them around Qian Yu's little brother.

"What is this feeling?" Qian Yu couldn't help but say as he saw Zhen Yue's breasts surrounding his shaft.

*Swish* Continuing her attack Zhen Yue used her hands to move her breast up and down.

'This is possible!?' Qian Yu was shocked that Zhen Yue could do such a thing. This was something that he had never done with Sun Hong when they were together.

"Zhen Yue, it's coming!" Qian Yu yelled out as he finally couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Ehh!" Zhen Yue didn't expect her new tactic to work out so fast yet before she could react, she felt a hot liquid splatter all over her breasts and face.

"Sorry that was so abrupt. That thing at the end was just too good," Qian Yu apologized as he looked at all the yang qi splattered on Zhen Yue's body.

"I-I will clean myself real quick," Zhen Yue quickly said as she reentered and dipped into the water to clean herself.

Yet a few seconds later as her head returned, Qian Yu approached her as he said, "I'll help you clean this time."

Using both his hands, Qian Yu grabbed the two bunnies bringing the two pointy tips together. As he did, he brought his mouth downwards and started sucking on the two tips at the same time.

"M-master?" Zhen Yue yelled out at Qian Yu's abrupt action.

Stopping for a bit, Qian Yu said, "Hahaha, did you think I was done only after 1 shot?"

"Huh? Master y-you're still hard?" Zhen Yue said as she moved one of her hands to check the status of Qian Yu's little brother.

On the other hand, Qian Yu didn't say anything as he continued tasting Zhen Yue's bunnies.

*pant pant* Zhen Yue started panting as she arched over the bath while her face grew even redder than before.

"M-master… I… can't… handle.. it... anymore…" Zhen Yue did her best to talk under Qian Yu's attacks.

Giving her a moment to breathe, Qian Yu finally felt satisfied with checking out Zhen Yue's goods as he laughed and said, "Hmm, what can't you handle? Do you need me to do something?"

Hearing Qian Yu's words, Zhen Yue, who's upper body was now lying on the bath railing, said, "M-master, you're so mean. P-please help me clean this part". As she said that, she raised her body upwards a little and turned over.

*Gulp* Qian Yu swallowed as he saw Zhen Yue sticking her butt at him. From this position, he could see her beautiful thighs and plump peaches surrounding the flower garden.

"Of course I'll help you clean since you did this for me earlier," Qian Yu said as he brought his face towards Zhen Yue's butt.

"P-please thoroughly clean it" Zhen Yue said as she used her hands to hide her face from Qian Yu.

"To clean it thoroughly, I'll need to use this," Qian Yu replied as he stood up and positioned his staff in front of Zhen Yue's cavern before he lightly tapped the sensitive entrance.

"T-thats fine, thank you," Zhen Yue said as she continued to hide her face.

"Alright, I'll do my best then," Qian Yu said. No longer holding back, Qian Yu thrust forward as he easily felt himself enter Zhen Yue.

"AHHH! It's in!" Zhen Yue yelled out as she felt Qian Yu's hot rod enter her.

"It's so tight," Qian Yu said as he felt Zhen Yue's vaginal walls wrap around him. Grabbing her two round and soft peaches, Qian Yu couldn't help but be amazed at their elasticity and softness, as he couldn't help but say, "Zhen Yue, your butt is so damn nice!"

"T-that's such an embarrassing-AHHH!" Zhen Yue started saying, before she loudly screeched as Qian Yu started thrusting forward while grabbing onto her butt cheeks.

*thrust thrust* Qian Yu started rapidly ramming into Zhen Yue as he continued kneading her butt. "How does it feel?" Qian Yu asked.

"O.. Oh! That's the spot!" Zhen Yue cried out as she didn't immediately realize Qian Yu's question.

"AGHH! Mas-master… It-it fweels grweeat" Zhen Yue yelled out as she felt herself approaching climax amidst Qian Yu's thrusts.

Everytime Qian Yu thrust forward, it felt like he was reaching deeper and deeper and as he did, Zhen Yue's moans who filled the steamy bathroom were becoming louder as well. Finally, Qian Yu felt the pressure building up inside him was peaking as he yelled out, "I'm almost done cleaning! It's coming soon!"

Similarly, Zhen Yue yelled out, "Ahh, me too!"

With a final thrust, Qian Yu pushed forward with all his might so that the base of his spear rammed into the cave entrance before he released his second shot.

"Haaah!' Qian Yu sighed as he ejaculated into Zhen Yue.

"AHHHHH!" Zhen Yue screamed as she felt hot liquid invade her body before she collapsed onto the bath floor releasing her yin qi for Qian Yu to absorb.

"That was amazing," Qian Yu said happily as he finally stopped kneading Zhen Yue's round bottom. Yet as he looked at her who was still on all fours and breathing heavily still, Qian Yu knew that his appetite was far from being satiated. Last time, Qian Yu had held back since it was her first time, however, it was different this time.

Meanwhile, a dozen seconds had passed before Zhen Yue curiously gazed back to look at Qian Yu. As she did, she realized that there was still an object inside her body and surprisingly, it was still hard and firm like before.

"Erhmm by any chance master, are we still not done…" Zhen Yue struggle to voice her question.

*Cough cough* Qian Yu coughed as he said, "Uhmm… maybe a few more rounds…"