Chapter 70

Finishing his announcement, everyone started separating into groups with Qian Yu deciding to be in the first wave.

"RAWR!" monster cries rang out as the cultivators heard the first of the spiritual beast horde arrive.

"The first wave is here! Everyone get ready!" Cao Tu yelled.

"YAHHH!" "CHARGE!" Spirited shouts were heard throughout the battlefield.

"BAM!" a weak common ranked spiritual beast was blown away as a fist landed on it.

"Slash!" another spiritual beast was cut apart by a silvery claw.

"Phew! That wasn't so bad," Qian Yu said as he looked around the battlefield. Scattered everywhere, were countless spiritual beast bodies.

"Fortunately, they were only common ranked spiritual beasts," Zhen Yue said.

"Yea, for now at least. It will only get tougher as the waves continue to come," Qian Yu agreed as he went to pick up beast cores and some spiritual beast meat to cook.

Like that, the first waves of the spiritual beast hordes passed.

Sitting down in their tent, Qian Yu sighed, "This is going to be harder than I expected." While he was in the body refinement realm, he could at most train for half a day. With a stronger body now, 16 hours was possible yet even then, it was no easy task especially if it went past a few days.

By the side, Zhen Yue who had a lot more wounds, stayed optimistic as she said, "Yeah, I'm still not completely used with fighting with Silver Claw but I think I'm improving!"

Focusing his attention on her, Qian Yu saw her wounds as he took out a few prepared ointments and he said, "Come, I'll treat your wounds."

"Thank you master," Zhen Yue said tiredly.

"Hmph, look at what these damn beasts have done to you," Qian Yu joked as he applied the ointment on her bruises and cuts.

"Hehe," Zhen Yue lightly giggled.

"Alright, let's rest up for a few hours," Qian Yu said as he patted her head.

Soon, the two returned to fighting.

Like that, waves and waves passed on as the days passed on.

Three days later, the sounds of battle were still continuing.

"Everyone, the first rare grade spiritual beasts are approaching!" a nearby soul foundation cultivator yelled out.

'Nope, not that one, not that one either, must be that new one?' An exhausted Qian Yu looked at the upcoming spiritual beasts as he saw a few common and uncommon ranked spiritual beasts that he had been fighting in the last few days. Identifying the rare spiritual beast, it was a large brown rhino covered with small spikes throughout its body.

"At least there's only a few," Zhen Yue tried to stay optimistic as she saw the upcoming wave.

"Yeah," Qian Yu agreed. Looking at the incoming wave, the amounts of these rhinos were pretty small and a small group of cultivators could band together to deal with it.

Still, it was Qian Yu's first time fighting a rare grade spiritual beast and he couldn't help but be cautious as he asked, "Zhong Chun, any idea?"

"Hmm, looking at that spiritual beast… we have to rely on the cultivators from the Flame of Origin and maybe myself," Zhong Chun said. Unlike the qi gathering cultivators, the soul foundation fighters weren't tired and could easily fight at their peak.

"Alright," Qian Yu said as he didn't know what to do against that spiritual beast as well. With a martial technique that needed physical contact, Qian Yu was pretty sure he was completely useless against a beast like this since his hand would just be impaled by the spikes.

As the beast came forward, a late stage soul foundation started his attacks.

"Flames of Origin - Waves!" he yelled as he waved his fan. Golden waves flew out as it immediately slaughtered countless common ranked spiritual beasts. Yet as it hit the spikey rhino, the fire dissipated.

"GGRRRR!!" the rhino roared as it stampeded forward.

"Tch, Flames of Origin – Serpents!" the cultivator yelled out as he summoned three serpents launching it at the rhino.

"Boom!" an explosion resounded out as the fire serpents were flying towards their target. As the dust settled, a stone wall with a few cracks could be seen dozens of feet in front of the brown rhino.

"That wall must be one of its skills!" Zhen Yue yelled out. Spiritual beasts had their own skills as well, which of course would be why Zhen Yue could learn skills from her bloodline. As for when they would start to be able to use these skills, it was when spiritual beasts were of the rare grade or higher!

"Yeah," Qian Yu said as he started thinking of something.

Turning his head to Zhong Chun, he said, "I think I can deal with the wall."

"Hmm, alright, I'll tell the others and we'll make a plan," Zhong Chun trusted Qian Yu and thought for a few seconds before he went ahead and discussed it with the others. Regarding Qian Yu's martial skill, everyone here would see it as some type of internal fist martial technique since Qian Yu had never used his feet or the other usages of Lightning Spasm.

Just a dozen seconds later, Zhong Chun came back saying, "Once the rhino blocks with the wall, try to break the wall as fast as you can and we will launch our martial techniques before it could summon a new wall."

"Flames of Origin - Serpent!" Qian Yu nodded and just as the rhino ran past its old wall, another 3 serpents were sent flying at it.

Seeing the fire serpents being launched, Qian Yu didn't hesitate as he ran forward following the trail of fire.

"Boom!" Once again an explosion rang out as a wall of earth was created in front of the rhino.

Yet just a few seconds later, Qian Yu laid one of his hands on the wall. '1… 2… 3…, it's good now. As expected, it's fast,' Qian Yu thought in his head as he channeled the first part of Lightning Spasm. Since the stone pillar wasn't a direct extension of the rhino, it was pretty easy to mess with the qi and turn it chaotic. As for counting, it was for future reference and it also made it look like he was channeling his qi and focusing on the fist attack.

Channeling some qi into his other hand as he punched forward. 'Lightning Spasm!' Qian Yu electrified the qi the moment his other hand came into contact with the pillar.

"Crackkk!" just a second afterwards, the stone pillar cracked and started breaking apart. As it did, Qian Yu heard a shout.

"100 Swords Formation!" Zhong Chun yelled.

Turning his head, Qian Yu saw a rain of small sword qi quickly fly directly at the neck of the large rhino as another 3 serpents of golden flame flew behind it.

"RRROARRR!" the rhino roared furiously as the numerous small swords stabbed it. If Qian Yu knew anything about Zhong Chun's cultivation technique, it was a sword technique that focused on piercing ability similar to what spears excelled at. Looking at the rhino, there were cuts and holes all over its neck as blood seeped from the wounds.

"BOOM!" Yet before the rhino could do anything, three golden flamed serpents finally found its targets engulfing the exposed neck of the rhino.

As the ashes dissipated, the shadow of a large rhino was falling down.