Chapter 85

Silently, two weeks flew by as Zhao Xieren tried to be less conscious about the expectations and opinions of others. Her radiance had started to shine once more as her smile was seen more frequently. A happy person was much more attractive than a sad one.

Of course, nothing else happened with Zhao Xieren after that eventful night. They had only stated their feelings and there was still a barrier between them and Qian Yu could only continue to look for ways to help resolve this. Other than that, Qian Yu continued visiting Bai Jia every few days, helping her with random things.


'I wonder if she broke through. Guess I'll get some food as well,' Qian Yu hummed as he left the sect and headed towards the place Zhen Yue was staying.

Soon, Qian Yu arrived outside the inn. It wasn't anything fancy like the one in the Soba Capital but Qian Yu was satisfied with the room when he checked it out previously. It was a pretty small wooden inn but it was kept clean properly. Additionally, it wasn't too popular and there weren't too many visitors which was always nice. Most of all though, the bed was large and fluffy.

Getting closer, he saw a familiar person waiting for him. She had on a long white dress embroidered with flower designs. However, it wasn't like the normal traditional dresses that had two or three layers on them. Instead it was like a long qipao and less revealing than the short qipaos that female auctioneers frequented. Staring at her happily dancing around, he already knew the answer.

"Hehe, I ascended!" she yelled out as she ran at him.

"When did you break through?" Qian Yu caught her hug. Her delicious aroma made him want to eat her on the spot.

"I spent a week training for more mastery and then a couple days ago, I started attempting to break through," Zhen Yue felt pretty happy about herself.

"Hmm, looks like it was good that I didn't visit you," Qian Yu laughed.

"Anyways, let's head in," Qian Yu said.

Putting the food on the table, it wasn't long before Tian Xinyi appeared as she immediately started eating.

"Ahh, it's been so long Xinyi!" Zhen Yue picked up the four legged spiritual beast and hugged her.

*Lick* Xinyi gave Zhen Yue a lick on her cheek like a dog, before jumping off her embrace. Excitedly, she started eating right away.

'By the way Xinyi, when will you become stronger?' Qian Yu asked Tian Xinyi.

'I will get stronger over time naturally. Other than that, a stronger soul world with a better understanding of lightning laws or feeding me beast cores can fasten the pace,' she answered.

'Oh, I'll keep that in mind the next time I come across spiritual beasts then,' Qian Yu said. Now that Qian Yu had a decent amount of spirit stones, he didn't need to sell any future beast cores and could use them to strengthen Tian Xinyi now.

"Anyways, have you tested the 2nd martial technique yet?" Qian Yu turned his attention to Zhen Yue. Qian Yu had to admit that he was more excited about this than cultivating with Zhen Yue.

"Yeah, I've been practicing it over the last few days," Zhen Yue started eating the food.

"Master, how about we go test it after we eat? I'll surprise you," Zhen Yue excitedly asked.

"Of course," Qian Yu didn't mind. He had already decided to dedicate the whole of today and part of tomorrow to Zhen Yue so he could do anything she wanted.

Soon, the two finished eating as they left the inn and headed towards the wilderness in search of some test subjects.

"Hmm, look, it's an Ice Mountain Tiger. How about you fight it and show me the new technique," Qian Yu said as he saw the most common of the uncommon grade spiritual beasts.

"Is it strong?" Zhen Yue was obviously less knowledgeable about the beasts here.

"Hmm, they are usually at the early stage, so I believe you can fight it by yourself," Qian Yu gave her a pat on the back. In this case, the two were at the same stage and strength by regular standards. In any case, he and Tian Xinyi were there for backup.

"Hehe, alright," Zhen Yue smiled as she accepted the challenge.

*Swoowsh* Zhen Yue ran forward as a silver claw of qi formed around her hands.

*Swish!* she swiftly dashed at the white tiger and swiped forward.

'She's really fast compared to before. Is it because of her bloodline?' Her footwork seemed to stand out the most to him and he could tell there were some changes after 2 weeks.

"Arghh!" the tiger roared as her claws managed to land on it. The wound wasn't too deep, only scratching off the exterior skin.

'She's also good at masking her movements,'' Qian Yu further noted. She was like an assassin, silently running throughout the field and weaving in attacks whenever.

No, she was a dancer, Qian Yu shook his head. It was a beautiful sight watching her fight. The long dress hadn't impeded her ability to fight since it had slits allowing her to move comfortably. On the other hand, it only served to further enhance her charm as she showed off her beautiful legs.

"Roar!" the tiger screamed as it attacked back at Zhen Yue.

"Swipe swipe!" Yet none of the attack managed to land as Zhen Yue maneuvered around the tiger. It was like a mortal trying to kill a fly without a fly swatter.

*Swish!* Zhen Yue continued to attack occasionally while dodging. Bit by bit, the wounds start accumulating on the tiger.

"Ahem Zhen Yue, make sure to use your new technique," Qian Yu reminded as he saw her a little too focused on practicing her combat skills.

"Hehe, I know," Zhen Yue laughed as she backed off.

Putting some distance between herself and the tiger, she took a deep breath as she focused. In a few seconds, Qian Yu saw two small transparent fox outlines materialize by Zhen Yue's side. Without looking at what happened, it would have been hard to notice they were there.

*Swoosh!* Once again, Zhen Yue ran forward, but this time, two foxes followed her before splitting off to her sides. As they did, they surrounded the tiger as Zhen Yue launched her attack.

*Swipe* She clawed forward forcing the tiger to dodge back.

Yet as it did, one of the foxes came into contact with it as it opened its mouths.

"ROAR!" the tiger yelled out as the fox bit onto its leg. Yet it was only a few seconds before it felt another bite on its other leg.

Stomping hard, the tiger tried to get the foxes off of it as it started running away.

*Bang!* Yet before it could get the foxes off, an explosion occurred.

Qian Yu glanced at the explosion. As the smoke faded, the two foxes were gone however, the tiger wasn't in good shape, as it struggled to stand up. The explosion had severely damaged its legs.

*Swish* Yet Zhen Yue didn't let this chance go as she ran forward before swiping her claws across the neck of the tiger.

'Well, we got a beast core for you, Xinyi,' Qian Yu said as he watched Zhen Yue slay the tiger in a matter of minutes. Her dress was without a speck of dirt, still completely pure white as the tiger hadn't managed to even come close to hitting her.

"It's a pretty good technique," Qian Yu said as he walked up to Zhen Yue and started finding the beast core. He was in awe. It was a versatile martial technique that could work in close combat or ranged attacks.

"Yeah, I like it a lot. I can only summon two at a time but the hardest part is controlling them," Zhen Yue happily said.

"Heh, you make it look so natural but it's only been a couple of days," Qian Yu laughed.

"Did you think of a name yet?" Qian Yu followed up.

"Yeah, I want to call them Fox Spirits," Zhen Yue nodded.

"Alright, that's fine. Also, do you purposely mask your noise when you run? Your footwork is incredible," Qian Yu continued praising her.

"Hmm, I've noticed it too actually, but I didn't do it on purpose. It just happened more naturally by itself," Zhen Yue said.

'Hmm... could it be that cultivation techniques can have side effects? In Zhen Yue's case, her bloodline was directly affected and it led to a few different side effects. For Sun Hong, her technique could have changed her hair color a little…' Qian Yu thought.

'As for me, did it affect my sexual drive or something? My little brother is gradually becoming stronger...' Qian Yu joked to himself.

"Anyways, let's head back," Qian Yu said, seeing that everything was done.

"Master, you're so impatient. Let's go look around and go shopping as well," Zhen Yue pouted.

"Mmm, fine, just make sure, you still have energy for later," Qian Yu winked at her.

"Ahem… I know," Zhen Yue coughed.

As the two headed back to the outer areas of the sect, the two started to wander aimlessly doing random things to pass time.

Meanwhile in a small store.

'What a waste of time… I can't believe the sect ran out of stock for this herb,' Bai Jia sighed as she walked out of a herb store.

As she left the store, she saw a familiar figure. 'Is that Qian Yu? What is he up to?' Bai Jia started approaching his direction.

Yet she saw that he wasn't alone. 'Wait? Who is that girl he's with? Is that Zhao Xieren? He hasn't said anything about her over this last week…' Bai Jia felt something boiling inside of her.

However, she realized that the girl didn't have black hair. 'Hmm, that's not sister Zhao… this girl has silver hair…' She continued observing them as she saw they were also very physically intimate with each other.


Eventually, they stopped in front of a building as the two went inside. Bai Jia's face turned sour, 'Did they just head into an inn together?'

Standing outside, Bai Jia continued observing them, and as night time arrived, Qian Yu never left.