Chapter 89

As he watched Bai Jia leave, Qian Yu sighed as he felt a heavy burden taken off his shoulder as he thought of her last words.

'She didn't want to do anything until I became stronger? I must be blessed to have someone so thoughtful and caring by my side,' a smile appeared on Qian Yu's face for the first time in days as he started returning to the sect.

Passing the medical hall, Qian Yu silently stood there as he slowly remembered all the memories he had in Bai Jia's office.

"Hm? Qian Yu, are you done talking with sister Bai?" Qian Yu heard Zhao Xieren's voice as it brought him out of his memories.

"Ahh, yeah, I've finished talking with her already, I was just thinking of something," Qian Yu turned around to see Zhao Xieren.

Since two weeks ago, Zhao Xieren had gradually re-entered the social cycle as it became known that she returned. Currently, she was walking around with some other disciples as they were going for lunch.

"Have a good lunch, I'll see you later then," Qian Yu continued.

"Do you want to join in?" Zhao Xieren asked.

"I'll pass, we'll just go for dinner together," Qian Yu denied.

"Okay, I'll see you later," Zhao Xieren smiled as she returned to her friends and departed.

'It's so much more natural and nice seeing her smile and laugh with the others,' Qian Yu watched her walk off with the others. Taking his advice to heart, she had become a lot livelier and cheerful since then.

'Still, only part of the problem is fixed,' Qian Yu knew that she still felt guilty.

Days passed and it was time for their weekly class once more.

As Qian Yu sat down with Zhao Xieren, a different elder from last week came in.

Starting with the weekly news, she said, "Some of you may have heard this already, some of you may have not, but there was a red cloud seen in the southern part of the continent, near the Southern Stronghold, a few days ago. We believe it to be someone ascending to a Martial Fighter, maybe even a Martial Lord." A few murmurs were heard as the disciples started discussing among themselves in an attempt to figure out who it was.

Continuing, she said, "As you know, when a phenomenon such as this occurs, it usually means they are cultivating something strong. However, we have no clue who this is".

'Red cloud? Could it be Sun Hong? Her qi is red and her name means cloud... The timing does also make sense. It has been 3 months since we last saw each other and about now is probably the right time to ascend,' Qian Yu thought.

However, he was a little uneasy. 'But why did she get noticed so easily? She's a smart girl, and there are plenty of rural areas where she could have broken through but why near the Southern Stronghold?'

The Southern Ice Continent was made of 4 countries with the Xia Empire being in the middle of two other countries. However, the most southern part of the continent was an area where it was too cold and simply unsuitable for people to live in and as such, it was termed the "Uninhabitable Region". For any of the four countries, they would naturally monitor the borders of the country. The Southern Stronghold was responsible for this.

Qian Yu glanced over at Zhao Xieren who seemed to be thinking of something as well. "Is something wrong?" Qian Yu asked.

"There's been a lot of chaos down in the southern border. The information hasn't been spread yet as the country doesn't have a complete gauge on what is happening. Additionally, they don't want the masses to be worried. The thing is though, my brother is going to be dispatched down there soon to help investigate it. He's a Martial Fighter right now," Zhao Xieren said worriedly.

'Chaos down there? There's no way it's a coincidence right?' Qian Yu started to worry now as he felt a sudden urge to go down south.

The hours flew by as Qian Yu continued to be distracted the whole time as he thought of what to do until finally, Qian Yu had made his decision. He was just a month from reaching the soul foundation stage. However, he would forever regret it if he didn't go and something happened to Sun Hong.

"Zhao Xieren, I have something to ask of you," The two were walking back after having dinner.

"Yes, what is it?" Zhao Xieren replied.

Taking a deep breath, Qian Yu said, "It's about the situation down south. I want to go down there."

"What? It has only been a month since you got back but you want to leave already?" Zhao Xieren was surprised.

"Do you remember when I said I would have other women?" Qian Yu asked. He hadn't specifically told her about Sun Hong or Zhen Yue yet.

"Ah, yes. Were you really not referring to Sister Bai?" Zhao Xieren asked.

"Well now, ahem let's leave that for later," Bai Jia's matter had completely changed since the last time they discussed it.

"There was a lot more that happened during my travels and I haven't told you about it yet," Qian Yu didn't want a repeat like with Bai Jia.

Continuing, he said, "I met two important women during my travels. One of them is here with me, outside the sect and the other… I suspect that the red cloud that appeared was due to someone that I met during my travels. I'm worried about her so I want to go down south."

"Ah? Two other?" Zhao Xieren grew silent.

"You and sister Bai have always been closer so I have always been jealous and never thought that I would have myself to you," Zhao Xieren said.

"Ahem… I just wanted to tell you," Qian Yu was at a loss for words.

"Qian Yu, you know how it is... I am still bothered whenever I think of what happened..." Zhao Xieren shook her head.

"Anyways, if you want to go down there, I'll go with you. Besides, didn't you ask for my help?" Zhao Xieren changed the topic before Qian Yu could say anything.

"Ah? No, you don't need to go with me," Qian Yu shook his head. He didn't feel it was fair for him to drag her along for something personal like this.

"I was referring to information about that since I know nothing about the situation down there," Qian Yu explained. Compared to before in the Soba Empire, Qian Yu had managed to get access to information when interacting with the other rogue cultivators but ever since he returned to the sect, he hadn't really focused on that since there was a weekly update from the elders.

"Well anyway, if you want to travel down south, it'll normally take over 2 weeks since we are at the top of the country, what are you going to do about that?" Zhao Xieren replied.

"Even if it normally takes that long, I still have to go," Qian Yu said.

"Qian Yu… I want to help you. If I go along, it'll be faster since we will be traveling by a flying artifact. Originally, my family was coming here to pick up my cousin. It is a large flying artifact and there is enough space for a lot of people so I'm sure I can bring you with me though," Zhao Xieren said.

Qian Yu grew silent. If Zhao Xieren really wanted to help him, then he shouldn't say no. Besides, her solution was truly valuable and traveling by flying artifact would allow them to get there in a few days. "Alright, thank you then," Qian Yu accepted her help.

"Okay, it's settled then. I will need to go now and send a message to them first. I'll see you tomorrow morning then and tell you the plans," Zhao Xieren said as she started to leave towards a different area than their pavilions.

'... I can't tell what she's thinking,' Qian Yu sighed as he saw her run off.

Previously, Qian Yu had only told her he was going to have multiple women, however, she had taken it very calmly unlike Bai Jia. 'Obviously, she wasn't as mad at Bai Jia. Was it because she had already expected it and was prepared?' Qian Yu thought inwardly.

Suddenly, he noticed something. 'Maybe because I didn't hide it and brought it up myself as well?' Honesty was always important in a relationship, Qian Yu realized.