Chapter 112

The Southern Ice Tournament was held every 5 years in one of the 4 countries. Alternating locations every time it was held, it was located in the Xia Capital this time.

Being a tournament with cultivators of the soul foundation cultivators, it was exceptionally popular and entertaining. At this stage, fights became more dynamic as cultivators learned more skills causing mortals from throughout the continent to come watch. Of course, these mortals wouldn't include villagers or normal workers but rather, the more wealthy ones.

Other than mortals, the other portion of the spectators were cultivators that came to support their sect and country. Naturally though, some had different intentions rather than simply spectating.

Even though Qian Yu and Zhao Xieren had just returned from the Xia Capital, they soon found themselves heading back there. It had been over a week since they last saw the Xia Capital but it seemed to be completely different.

Entering the outer district, the most noticeable change were the people. As if replicating the inner district, there were a lot more people roaming around the city, exploring the city as they waited for the tournament in five days. The roads were cleaner and the air, while not fresh and refreshing like the inner district, didn't have any strange smells. Of course, the buildings weren't in the best shape still. The pagodas and pavilions stores were still old, not having the most appealing exterior while the homes in the residential areas could still use a remodel.

They didn't linger in the outer district for too long as they promptly made haste towards the inner district. Even busier than last time, the roads were crowded with all sorts of people.

The restaurants were full, with lines of people waiting outside. The inns seemed to be completely packed with people shaking their heads as they left, baggage in their hand. Stores were jammed packed as the many wealthy merchants with their colorful and elegantly designed robes were all shopping and checking out goods.

In a few areas, there were cultivators of varying backgrounds, with robes he had never seen before, bickering against each other about their countries and sect. Furthermore, up in the sky, there were large flying artifacts of different designs. Some were large ships, like the ones from the Zhao Family but there were smaller ships and even a floating carpet.

All in all, it was lively, reminding him of the Soba Festival, but slightly more chaotic.

"You two should try to find an inn to stay at. I'll come find you guys later after I separate from Zhao Xieren," Qian Yu turned to Zhen Yue and Sun Hong.

"Alright, we'll see you later," Sun Hong nodded.

"Goodbye Master," Zhen Yue waved goodbye. Snuggling in her robes, Tian Xinyi had turned into a communication device.

Seeing the two girls leave, Qian Yu turned to Zhao Xieren, "Let's go check in at the inn." With only five days until the start of the tournament, the sect had to make sure everyone who was participating was present.

"Mhm," Zhao Xieren said as they continued travelling through the inner district.

They arrived at a pagoda before long. It was magnificent and large, with 9 floors, causing it to stick out like a sore thumb in the capital. Without a doubt, it was one of the most expensive inns in the capital but the sect had even rented out the whole thing. There were only 30 disciples participating in the tournament with 10 from each of the three stages. As such, the rest of the rooms were given to the elders and disciples of the sect who had come to support. They were truly generous.

A man stood by the entrance of the inn. His serene and gentle face looked familiar to Qian Yu and it took him a few seconds to remember it was the same man who had gave an announcement a month ago at the qualifiers.

"Greetings, Grand Elder," the two paid their respects.

The man calmly stroked his beard.

"Hello disciple Zhao," he looked at Zhao Xieren.

"And you are disciple Qian right?" Qian Yu raised his brow, surprised that the Grand Elder knew his name.

"Thank you, Grand Elder," Qian Yu said, realizing that he had unknowingly attracted a lot of attention. Only, to him, it didn't feel like much since he had achieved it with such ease.

"Here is your key to your room," the Grand Elder took out a slate of wood and gave it to Qian Yu. Walking away, he returned to talking with the other elders.

Entering the inn, Qian Yu sighed looking at the beautifully decorated and spacious interior. Large paintings on scrolls draped downward from the tall ceiling. Smaller paintings and works of calligraphy hung on the wall. Two stairways coiled upwards from the sides of the reception desk. Further away from the center, two long hallways could be seen leading to the rooms on the first floor.

There were many people talking and loitering in the lobby, all of which had the same robes as Qian Yu and Zhao Xieren. Clearly, the inn had become a haven for the Ice Arts Sect disciples who came to watch.

As they ascended to the second floor, Qian Yu paused in place as the chattering had immediately died out. Suddenly, it had become abnormally quiet.

"It's probably a noise suppression formation or some special material in the building," Zhao Xieren explained.

"Ah… formations are truly marvelous," Qian Yu nodded. He had always been amazed by formations but recently, they had only become more and more profound to him.

Continuing upwards, they headed towards their room on the 9th floor.

"You two sure took a while," they heard a very familiar voice as they had just arrived at the 9th floor.

The two turned to the side, mouths agape as they stared at the figure sitting on a couch. She had on a similar robe like their own but there was a subtle difference.

"Did you guys miss me?" she said as she stood up.

"Sister Bai!" Qian Yu felt a wave of emotions rise up as he ran towards her. It had been over 2 months since she left and now, she had appeared out of nowhere.

Reaching her, he opened his arms and gave her a tight hug, "Yes, I've missed you so much."

"Yes, yes, I'm back," she reciprocated his hug.

Qian Yu closed his eyes, enjoying her embrace. A warm sensation filled his body as he remembered the memories they had created with each other. Their relationship had always been unconditionally one sided with him relying on Bai Jia. With her, he was always at ease, comfortable, and at home.

"Hello Sister Bai!" Zhao Xieren had caught up by now.

"Qian Yu, let's head to your room first so we can talk," Bai Jia released her hug.

"Alright," Qian Yu said as he started looking around.

*Click!* His room was nearby and they easily found it.

It was a large room, reminding him of the same quality as the one in the Soba Capital. Everything was beautiful and the bed was large. Other necessities like a small kitchen and bathroom were there as well. Perhaps, the biggest difference was the view from the window. Being on the 9th floor, the view of the city was magnificent.

His gaze didn't linger outside for so long as he turned back to Bai Jia, "Sister Bai! What have you been doing in the last few months?"

"Hmm, besides staying with my family, I was working on a new type of pill. Currently, we don't have many types of pills outside of health and qi regeneration pills because…" Bai Jia said, unsure if Qian Yu knew about the world's history.

"The 1st plague that reset the calendar?" Qian Yu said, seeing her pause.

"Yes," Bai Jia nodded. Continuing, she said, "Ancient pill recipes have been lost but one has been recently found. The Pill Association has been researching it for a few thousands years now and it is in its final stages. I have been working in the project for a few years and I went back there since there was a large meeting about the pill."

"That's amazing!" Qian Yu and Zhao Xieren were both shocked. Bai Jia had always worked a lot on pills but he didn't know she was involved to this extent.

"Ahem, it's okay. It's just a bunch of experiments. Changing some of the auxiliary ingredients and testing different temperatures to look for the optimal procedure," Bai Jia acted humble.

Nonetheless, Qian Yu knew it was a lot of work. "What type of pill is it?" Qian Yu asked.

"It's a secret but it's a pill for ascending to the Martial Fighter stage," Bai Jia said.

"What!?" Zhao Xieren yelled by the side as she put her hands over her mouth.

"Uh…" Meanwhile, Qian Yu was silent, not realizing what it meant.

"It was easy to get to the soul foundation stage but most people are stuck here. Besides taking the longest stage, there is a large obstacle separating the two realms," Bai Jia started talking, realizing that Qian Yu didn't know they were referring to.

"This obstacle is known as the heavenly tribulation and it differs depending on the cultivation technique. For example, I was stranded on a boat and forced to endure a month in the sea against natural disasters such as tsunamis. In the case of Zhao Xieren, who is cultivating a sword and wind qi cultivation technique, she might have to battle against a clone of herself in her soul world," Bai Jia explained.

"As for this pill, it will lower the strength of the tribulation," Bai Jia finished up.

"Wow..." Both Zhao Xieren and Qian Yu were both speechless.

"Mhm, it will make it a lot easier for many people to cross the boundary," Bai Jia nodded.


"Alright, anyways, Zhao Xieren, it's time we head back. Your mother has thrown a small party for me as well, " Bai Jia stood up and looked through the window. They had continued talking about what she had missed over the last few months and now, a few hours passed. The sun was already setting and they needed to leave soon.

"You're right, it's getting late. Qian Yu we'll see you tomorrow," Zhao Xieren bidded Qian Yu farewell.

"Okay, just meet back here," Qian Yu said as he waved them goodbye.

Staring outside the window, he watched as the two girls left and started heading towards the noble district. After a while, he left, looking for Zhen Yue and Sun Hong.

Meanwhile, in a large hotel, two girls stood had just entered their room.

"It's so small..." Zhen Yue took a look around. It wasn't very spacious, nothing at all like the one Qian Yu had from the sect. No decorations at all, a small bed, normally fit for two people, and the bathroom only had a small bath that only one person could fit. In fact, it was even worse than the inn Zhen Yue used while living alone outside the Ice Arts Sect.

"We only got one room as well…" Sun Hong said, a little angry. They had walked around the whole day and were only able to get a room now. Additionally, they had overcharged tremendously and while it was nothing to her as a cultivator, she was still annoyed that she had to give in.

"We will just have to share it," Zhen Yue said.

Suddenly, an idea popped up in her mind as she said that. Leaning towards Sun Hong, Zhen Yue whispered something.

"W-w-what?" Sun Hong slightly reddened as she heard that.

"Haha, even Sister Hong can be embarrassed sometimes!" Zhen Yue laughed. It was rare to see this side of her.

"What do you think?" Zhen Yue nudged Sun Hong.

"A-alright... sister Zhen, that's fine," Sun Hong's face completely reddened.