Chapter 115

Currently, the five of them were seated at a round table inside a private room on the fourth floor of Tiger's Den.

"I didn't know your cultivation technique was also yin attributed," Qian Yu said to Bai Jia, who was sitting next to him.

"Mhm, your technique… ahem… is also supposed to have yin attributes in it as well right?" Bai Jia said.

"Yes, naturally as a sexual cultivation technique that needs yin qi, but… it hasn't shown anything like yours yet," Qian Yu said a little downcasted.

"Ahem…" Bai Jia coughed while taking a look around, specifically at Zhao Xieren. Biting her lips, she saw that Zhao Xieren was completely comfortable with the topic.

'So even little sister Zhao already… I'm the only one here who hasn't cultivated with Qian Yu…' Bai Jia sighed inwardly.

Shaking her head, she cleared her thoughts. "Don't worry about it. Likely it would be like mine. The 4th martial skill in the cultivation technique was the Yin Water Conversion. Most techniques are like this where there is a significant change in the complexity of the 4th layer martial technique. This also makes it longer to reach proficiency as another difficulty in the soul foundation realm," Bai Jia said.

"Ah, I see," Qian Yu replied.

"By the way, can you see if you can get copies of the Immortal Soul for Sun Hong and Zhen Yue? I'm not sure if Zhao Xieren needs one either," Qian Yu asked.

"I should be fine, my family is already in the process of applying for a copy," Zhao Xieren said by his side.

"Mmm, I can try but I'm not sure if I can and it will take a while to get the two copies," Bai Jia glanced at Zhen Yue and Sun Hong.

"What is that?" Sun Hong was the only one who didn't know about it.

"It's like this…" Qian Yu explained from the beginning since it was likely that Sun Hong didn't know much of the world's history.

By the time he finished, the food had been served.

"Alright, let's eat," Qian Yu said as the waiters left the room. It was a beautiful sight as he looked around. With all of them by his side currently, he felt extremely satisfied and happy, as if he was in a dream.

'Hey master! About time the food came out!' Suddenly, Tian Xinyi appeared as she fell on top of the table.

"Xinyi!" Zhen Yue grabbed the small cute qilin.

"Come come, I'll help feed you!" She spoiled it like always. Meanwhile, Sun Hong didn't really seem to care while Zhao Xieren just amusedly watched from the side. As for Bai Jia, she was shocked, realizing that he had a spiritual beast.

'By the way master, it rained earlier for a minute or something! It was the first time it ever rained!' Tian Xinyi said as she started eating.

'What? It rained?' Qian Yu found it interesting. He had started practicing Soul Exploration every day since Tian Xinyi had recovered. He had entered his soul world numerous times already but it had never rained.

'It must be some sort of small breakthrough from earlier? From watching sister Bai fight?' Qian Yu thought. Though his understanding of the laws of water were low, seeing Bai Jia fight earlier had been pretty insightful.

"When did you get a spiritual beast?" Bai Jia said, interrupting his thoughts.

"A while ago. It was during my time in the Soba Empire. Her name is Tian Xinyi," Qian Yu said.

"S-she's a qilin?" Bai Jia was shocked as she stared at the horns and body of Tian Xinyi.

"Mhm, impressive huh?" Qian Yu smirked seeing Bai Jia surprised. It was rare to see her composed self be surprised. After all, she was a Martial Fighter and with her background, was a lot more experienced and knowledgeable than anyone here.

"My my… that is indeed impressive," Bai Jia couldn't hide her smile. Qilins were beasts of legends and encountering one was extremely rare and lucky. It only bewildered her more that Qian Yu had a qilin as a spiritual beast.

"How strong is she right now?" Bai Jia asked with anticipation.

"She's at the rare grade. Equivalent to a Martial Fighter I guess," Qian Yu said.

"Huh?" Bai Jia was a little shocked seeing Tian Xinyi's small figure. Size didn't always correlate with strength but it was a general trend.

"Haha, Xinyi, can you change your form?" Qian Yu said.

'Alright,' Tian Xinyi said as she stopped eating. Jumping off the table, her body grew larger and larger. From the small form that could fit in a hand, she resumed her larger form growing a few feet taller.

"Wow…" Bai Jia put her hands over her mouth as she witnessed the magical thing.

Yet the next second, a hint of displeasure was seen in her eyes. 'There's so much that I don't know about him…' She realized.

"Excuse me real quick," Bai Jia forced a smile as she stood up and left the room.

"Did something happen?" Zhao Xieren whispered.

"Mmm," Qian Yu pondered on what to do as he watched her leave. "You guys can continue eating. I'll go follow her," Qian Yu felt something was slightly off with Bai Jia.

Leaving the private room, he saw Bai Jia's delicate and beautiful figure standing by a balcony.

"Is something wrong?" He walked up as he put his arm around her waist.

"Ah!" Bai Jia was awoken from her deep thoughts.

She took a look around the balcony and hallway, seeing it was empty.

"Sigh… it's just that I feel like I've missed out on quite a lot of stuff," Bai Jia said.

"It's okay," Qian Yu said as he walked her towards a couch on the balcony.

Sitting down with her, he asked, "You'll be staying for a while right?"

"Mhm, I don't have any other plans," Bai Jia leaned her head on his shoulder.

"What about you? What are your plans?" Bai Jia asked.

"Hmm… there's the thing with Wang Meilin when she comes to find me. I've promised to help Zhen Yue look for her family in the Eastern Islands Alliance after I become a Martial Fighter. Also, Zhao Xieren and Sun Hong plan to travel to the Western Continent after Zhao Xieren becomes a Martial Fighter," Qian Yu said.

"Well, whatever happens, I'll be by your side from now on," Bai Jia said as she put her arms around him.

"Thank you," Qian Yu said as he ran his hand softly through her hair.

The view on the fourth floor of the restaurant wasn't as good as the view from the ninth floor of the inn. Nonetheless, it was still amazing, along with the fresh cool breeze that swirled around them. Quietly, they talked as the night continued on.

Unbeknownst to the two, a lone person was watching the two from above on a balcony of the sixth floor.

"Sigh…" A sad, disappointed and slightly frustrated sound echoed out.

The night sky was full of flying artifacts that were filled with important guests and spectators for the Southern Ice Tournament, which were a few days away.

From a small tavern in the outer district, a hooded man sipped his alcohol.

"It's almost showtime!" a devilish grin appeared on his face. Yet if one was to look at his face, they would notice it wasn't the only devilish thing. His eyes were crazy. Rather, one of them was. One eye calmly looked above at the flying artifacts meanwhile the other one was crazily looking around, as if it had a mind of its own.