Chapter 132

"What… the…" Qian Yu groaned as he clutched his head.

"My eyes…" The stinging pain died out a few seconds later as Qian Yu wiped his face and eyes with hands.

"This is sand?" Qian Yu questionably looked at the specs of sand on his hand.

"And this isn't the inn room, where am I? Where's Jia'er? She was right next to me!" Qian Yu stood up and looked around. The previous simple bedroom had disappeared. It was night time before but currently, the sun stood high in the sky.

"This is a beach?" A salty smell assaulted him as he heard the sound of waves crashing onto the shore. Behind him, the bare sand turned into a dense bright green wildlife, one that completely contrasted the dark green forestry of the Xia Empire.

"It's beautiful," Qian Yu was speechless. He had never been to a beach before. Even when he traveled to the Soba Empire, he had never truly seen the coastline because of the large manmade docks of the coastal cities. Nonetheless, Qian Yu didn't have time to enjoy the scenery.

'Xinyi! Are you there?' Qian Yu called out.

'... No response. What could that mean?' Qian Yu gritted his teeth.

'Did I get teleported? From the southern part of the world to the… middle part?' Qian Yu thought.

'No no, that distance is crazy but teleportation is still possible...' Qian Yu reconsidered. Teleportation scrolls were powerful but this was completely absurd.

'Did something happen and I forgot? Think think think!' Qian Yu tried his best to remember. The minutes passed as Qian Yu sat down and mediated yet no matter what, the only thing he could remember was being with Bai Jia.

Bending down, Qian Yu touched the ground feeling the sand again. 'The grainy sand, smell of the ocean, hot scorch of the sun… everything feels real…' Qian Yu muttered.

'Qi feels normal but something feels off…' Qian Yu furrowed his brows. It wasn't about the quality of the qi but rather something else unique about his surroundings. Yet as he looked around, he couldn't pinpoint what was bothering him.

Mark of Heavenly Lightning! A beam of lightning shot out of Qian Yu's finger, stirring up a cloud of sand. 'That feels normal too,' Qian Yu closed his eyes and calmed down.

Before long, Qian Yu abandoned the sandy beach as he stepped into the forest with the aim of finding some sort of hint to where he was. A few hours later, Qian Yu reappeared from the forest with a frown on his face. Yet deep in his complexion, a hint of fear could be seen as well.

'I'm stranded alone on an island…' Qian Yu walked to the shore of the beach. Looking behind him he gritted his teeth, 'But not only that… I didn't find a single trace of animal life. Not even the smallest of insects… what the fuck!'

*Whoosh!* Qian Yu ran a few steps before he jumped and dived into the ocean. Holding close to the shoreline, he dived until the light started to fade away before finally swimming around this sea level.

His eyes burned as he turned his head everywhere in hopes of finding a single live marine organism.

*Plop!* Qian Yu's head resurfaced a few minutes later.

"What the fuck! I swam for almost 10 minutes and nothing? NOTHING AT ALL!" Qian Yu agitatedly yelled out.

He was in the middle of the ocean and as he looked around, he could see a few more islands in the distance. With a sigh, he took a deep breath and started swimming towards the nearest island.

"Nothing here too…" Qian Yu sighed. He wasn't exactly sure of the time, but he felt like it should have already been at least 12 hours since he had been here.

*Thump!* Qian Yu collapsed into the sand. His tired eyes stared upwards at the sun.

"Fuck you!" Qian Yu cursed. He had never felt this angry before. Compared to the other times, he could feel other emotions but with this situation at hand, the hopelessness only caused him to feel pure anger.

"Ughh, I need to calm down," Qian Yu covered his eyes with his hands.

"Let's get rid of this damn sun," It had been enjoyable at first but now, this weather and lighting only served to piss him off.

Soul Exploration!

Qian Yu's eyelids barely opened yet a bright light hit them immediately.

"Really?" Qian Yu's hands quickly slapped back down to cover his eyes.

"Qian Yu!"



"He woke up?" Qian Yu heard some shouts simultaneously rang out.

"What!" Qian Yu shot upright before he saw 4 anxious girls looking at him.

"Are you okay!?" Bai Jia was the closest to him.

Qian Yu patted his chest a few times before touching the bedsheets. "I'm fine…" Qian Yu sighed in relief.

"Phew!" the girls' anxious faces disappeared as they heard him.

"What happened? You suddenly collapsed after… that thing…" Bai Jia asked.

"I… I'm not sure. When I woke up just now, I thought I was in a dream… but it felt too realistic. And if I was just asleep, you guys wouldn't be this anxious?" Qian Yu shook his head.

"What did you see?" Bai Jia asked.

"I suddenly found myself at a beach on an island. Not like a beach here though. The weather was sunny and warm. I wandered around but… I found that it was really weird. There were no animals or any other living organisms outside of trees and plants," Qian Yu started to explain.

Yet he stopped as he saw Bai Jia's expression change.

"Is something wrong?" Qian Yu asked.

"Q-Qian Yu… that sounds like my soul world… In fact, the reason there is a beach is also in part that my family's other legendary grade technique is called Splitting Wave Blade Dance," Bai Jia answered.

"Your soul world? Wait… soul world… how long was I out for?" Qian Yu repeated.

"Half a day," Bai Jia answered. A silence filled the room for a few minutes as everyone thought to themselves.

"I was stuck there until I recited the technique for Soul Exploration. But are you sure that was your soul world? There was qi in it," Qian Yu broke the silence.

"Mmm, I'm sure it was. Another difference between the soul worlds of soul foundation cultivators and Martial Fighters is that there is qi in the soul world of Martial Fighter's world. Well the qi is supplied by the real world but there is qi because the soul world of a Martial Fighter just has a stronger connection with the real world than that of a soul foundation cultivator," Bai Jia explained.

"Ah, I did not know that," Qian Yu replied. 'Then that weird feeling must be the profound laws of water. Since my understanding of the laws of water is low, I couldn't really understand what was happening.' Qian Yu guessed.

"I'm most curious about how you entered it though," Bai Jia said.

"Hmm, it must be related to the Immortal Soul right?" Qian Yu assumed.

"Yes, I believe so… Soul Exploration… you can explore the soul world of others?" Bai Jia voiced out.

A myriad of expressions appeared on the faces of everyone as they heard her words.

"I've never heard of anything like that though," Bai Jia said suspiciously.

"The more important thing is… how does it work though? Why did it suddenly happen? Did you feel anything weird?" Qian Yu asked her.

"Well… it happened as we were climaxing… at that time… ughh! It was my first time climaxing so I don't know what an orgasm is supposed to feel like but!!! I felt something very weird. The Immortal Soul scripture in my consciousness suddenly started becoming active and I felt like my soul or consciousness was connected with yours. I could feel all your intense feelings and at that moment, I just felt like reciprocating those feelings and giving you my all," Bai Jia sighed and turned her back away from the other three girls.

"Sister Bai, you're so adorable!" Zhen Yue sneaked up behind Bai Jia and grabbed her from behind.

"Sister Zhen… stop… I regret it already," Bai Jia hid her face in shame.

"Jia'er you…" Qian Yu couldn't help but smile.

"JIA'ER!?" the atmosphere immediately turned tense as Qian Yu felt 3 intense gazes on himself.

"Ah? Yes…" Qian Yu scratched the back of his head.

"Master, can you call me like that too," Zhen Yue pleaded.

"Yue'er," Qian Yu called out.

"Eeekkk!" Zhen Yue ran up to Qian Yu and gave him a quick kiss on the cheeks.

"Hmm, Xie'er for you?" Qian Yu looked at Zhao Xieren.

Zhao Xieren smiled as she heard that. Walking up to him, she gave him a light peck as, "Mmm, I like it!"

"Alright, you too Hong'er," Qian Yu waved Sun Hong to come forward.

In return, she stayed silent and sat down next to Qian Yu. Moving her head forward, she started a deep kiss with Qian Yu.

"Ah! Sister Sun is as bold as always!" Zhen Yue shouted.