6.30 Third Green Star - Blood Rain

Before the sun had completely set. The clean up group had destroyed all the frozen statues of the zombies inside the hotel. Thanks to Zhi Yue's detecting abilities they had finished their task earlier only to see their General and his wife kissing.

The man called Xu Lin with his cat on his lap averted their gaze from the shameless couple showing their love to the world. The little bun Chino on the other hand had his eyes covered by his Uncle Lou Lan when the latter had noticed the situation of that group gathering by the small table.

Lou Lan ordered his lover Wang Lei, "Go... Stop that shameless couple before things between them get even hotter. They are outside for God's sake!"

"Hehe~ This... couldn't be helped. They've just made up after all." replied Wang Lei.

The understanding old butler had looked at Zhi Yue standing beside him.