8.4 First Blue Star - At the Dean's Office.

First Military Academy

Hallway towards the Dean's Office.

Bai Yuyan continues to observe Feng Jing from behind while conversing with his quantum beast, Stella. They were talking about the profile of Feng Jing which Stella had compiled for his master. The potential of double S is not surprising as the Feng Family had always been an SS-ranked family.


Ranks in the Oberion Empire:

The Royal Family and Federation are equal in fame and authority. But since the Federation held more military strength, they would sometimes be a level higher than those of royal blood except for the Emperor.

0 - Emperor/ Marshals [Marshal Janus Stellan, Marshal Altair Sirius, Emperor Regulus Sol]

1 - General [Feng Xuan and Xue Xia (Grandfathers of Feng Jing), Altair Reeva (father of Sirius)]