8.28 First Blue Star - Escape

Qu Yul: {Dage. We are here. Head to the center and lower your heads!}

The voice of Qu Yul was heard in their change and everyone heard what he had said. It only took a split second for the three sentinels in the group to jump towards their other teammates and push down their heads and cover theirs at the same time. In the next moment, sounds of explosions in their surroundings could be heard.


Grenade blasts can be seen in all directions in Qu Yeon and his team area. In the midst of the explosion, Feng Wu, Qu Yul, and Wu Liu went to the other team and helped them carry the injuries.

Feng Wu started issuing orders, "Yul and your brother cover our escape."

The Qu brother responded at the same time, "Go!"