8.73 First Blue Star - Am I dreaming again?

Xue Ying took off without waiting for someone. He needs to find Lin Yven first and hear from his mouth whether the things his adorable cousin told him are real. Though he knew that Feng Jing rarely lies, he still wanted to hear Lin Yven say it on his own. He wanted to hear his voice saying that he loves him. That he was the person who had to save him from his torment when he had fallen into a maniac state and tell him what his true feelings are.

No wonder he felt extremely uncomfortable when he saw Lin Yven's tears. Why he never gets angry despite the latter glaring at him most of the days. After learning the reason why Lin Yven is glaring at him, it made him think again how cute the little one is. Then Lin Yven's appearance flashes within his mind. His younger self and his current one.