9.5 Second Blue Star - Cannot Leave the Ancient Palace.

Buying some crepes, chicken box set, and burgers on the way, Xue Hua finally arrived at the usual bridge and saw two old men entertain (conning) some customers.

Master Yi said his usual lines like, "You are in luck for this year. Your cheeks are rosily showing some hints of peach hue, you are destined to have few peach blossoms debts this year." His customer is a lady in his late thirties. 

"Your eyebrows are thick and strong. Tall nose and a clean face. No wonder you have too many unexpected attractions on you. Both bad and good. The good thing is your business would prosper in these few months and the bad thing is you would get in bad karma with your family. You can only choose one. Either your family's happiness or wealth," said Master Ling as he was looking at his customer's palm.